Chapter 16 { Feeling special }

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Off's P.O.V.

As normal I was doing my shift at the bar. Max was looking abnormal yeah I mean like he's not being himself... Like he's not lurking around Tul anymore since a few days... I guess they are fighting with each other. Honestly when there is love, there are fights cause yeah everything got their own pros and cons. Today it seems like the bar is quite busy... A lot of costumers I see... Even though Tul looks sad and he is singing sad songs for the 5th time this week... I guess today all depressed people came...

I went to the table where a new customer just sat... Like yeah y'all just sit on table which I still haven't cleaned and now I have to ask him to excuse me so that I can clean the table. So sick I know. By the way he looks kinds familiar but I'm unable to recognize him cause he is wearing a mask and a helmet too. Lame!

“Excuse me sir?" I asked. That guy looked at me with smiling eyes, before he even opened his helmet, I knew that it's Tay. Like how can I not recognize those eyes?

“Hey Tay! What are you doing here?!" I asked.

“I just came to surprise you." Tay replied with a smirk. I don't know why but today he looks more handsome than always... Maybe because of the hot bikers look.



“What are you doing with all these books and stuff?"

“Well I got homework-"

“Oh common Tay! You are not doing your homework at a bar!? Are you!?"

“As you see... Plus you also finish your homework in midst of the work... Don't you?"

“Yeah I do... But you don't have work you dumbass."

“But I wanna be here." He said.

“Why? You got a crush on some staff here, right???" I asked.

“Yes." He just blunted out.

“Eh who's that lucky guy?"

“Ow not gonna tell you that easily."

“So you creating suspense with your bestie! But anyways make sure that it's not Tul. Tul already got Max's eyes on him and Max won't let it go."

“Don't worry it's not Tul but one of the waiters." He said looking directly into my eyes like he's talking about me.

“Okay... I'll keep making my guesses. Now you enjoy, I'm going to work. Already wasted so much of my time talking with you. Thank God that Max didn't saw us." I said and Tay smiled. I started walking away until I remembered that I forgot to clean the table and take his order. So I walked back to him and started wiping the table.

“Hehe forgot to clean this... By the way, order something! There's no way you are just sitting here without ordering something."

“Oh yeah... Then... Bring me grilled pork..."

“Okay... And drinks?"

“I rode on my bike so I'm not gonna drink."

“Oh yeah! Silly of me to even ask!" I said and waved bye to him and walked away to another table. Today is gonna be hectic for me and happy for Max. Like there are only 5 waiters in such a huge bar. Stingy Max!

I finished my shift and Tay was there until the end. His homework is keenly finished. He just chewed pork and did his homework for whole fucking 3 hours. Like he could've done it in his home. God knows now who the fuck does he loves and how much problematic it's gonna be!

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