Chapter 24 { Date }

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Max's P.O.V.

Okay it's been quite a while since that I have been dating Tul... Fifteen days are obviously a lot time... But there's something missing in our relationship. Like we are missing out on something... Which is a date... Like we meet everyday, talk everyday, eat together everyday, hold each other everyday but we don't go on dates. Like I am always busy with my work. Honestly the morning time is quite free and at that time we don't even need a singer. Like there is barely someone who drinks in the morning... So I guess I can manage out my time in the morning to take out Tul on a beautiful date.

Honestly I don't know where should I take him. In my busy life after my graduation I actually never got very much of time for all these stuff. I need to Google it I guess... Haha only if I could take him to my own bar for date! But yeah it's his workplace which he visits everyday. So I need to find some other place.

Okay now that I have planned everything I better go and surprise Tul. I went to his house and rang the doorbell. Honestly this will be my first time going inside his house... All these days I just dropped him from outside. It's nine already so he should be wide awake... Still it's taking him ages to open the door. After I rang the doorbell a few times a figure opened the door. Tul just woke for sure. His eyes were puffy and body looked tired. He was wearing a light blanket on himself without any shirt. Thank God that he is wearing shorts! He sleepily looked at me and then the moment he realized that it's me his boyfriend he just jumped in shock.

“Hi Tul!" I said.

“Hi Max? What are you doing here in this time?"

“Well I came to visit you."

“Oh... Yeah that should be the reason for you to be here... But you could have called before coming... Look it's all messy here right now..."

“Oh common it's okay! Plus I just wanted to surprise you. Can't I just surprise my boyfriend? Can't I?"

“Okay you can babe... But still it's embarrassing for me you know... By the way come inside."


“Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Tul asked while putting on a t-shirt.

“Not yet. I wanted to have breakfast with you."

“Awe! Wait for me a bit I'll prepare something for us." Tul said and rushed to his kitchen. I just laughed at his actions, seeing him cooking from the sofa is such a comfy feeling. Like we are in a live in relationship and today it's his turn to cook for us. Tul cooked some fried rice and vegetables.

“Um that's all I could do. If you had told me earlier I could have brought something good."

“Oh common! Whatever you cook is the best for sure!"

“You haven't tasted it yet."

“Only the smell is driving me crazy the taste must be more great."

“I hope so." He said while scooping some rice in a spoon and holding it in front of my mouth. I took the bite and believe me his food reminded me of my home... I don't know why but my eyes felt tearing up. I remember that only my used to hide carrots in my fried rice because I didn't used to eat them normally.

“Hey Max? What happened? Is it that bad? Wait! Do you hate vegetables or what?!"

“No no.... It's nothing like that... It's just that your food reminded me of my home... My mom... Actually it's been a while since I last met her... After dad passed away and the business passed on me, I have been very busy you know..."

“Um... You'll get to meet her very soon..."

“Ah here I am having a sad conversation with you! Actually the reason I came to meet you is to take you on a date."

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