Chapter 4 { Blind date }

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Off's p.o.v.

Okay! Even though Tay has started to give

a lot of time to New, still I'm his best

friend! Yes I'm his best friend! So even

though Tay has started to give almost all

his free time to New yet he won't cancel

our two months old plan for sure! Like I

am fully ready for going to the Youngsters

Carnival with Tay! Like I can't forget how

much hard work Arm did to buy this ticket

2 months ago but he failed to buy one. I

and Tay were laughing like hell! He had

said that, “When the time will come, you

guys will see me beside you guys!" Haha poor

Arm. Anyways before I go out, I should ask

Tay if he can come to pick me up or not.

“Hello Tay?"

“Hi... Hey Off... I have something to tell



“That I won't be able to go with you today."

“Huh?! Why!?"

“Well I promised New that I'll take him on

a date."

“But you had promised me to..."

“That's why I am apologizing... I know but you

understand my situation, right?"

I... I really didn't know what to respond to

him anymore. I just felt so hurt... I just

hanged up without a word... I understand that

he got his priorities but it doesn't means that

he'll break his promise for it... Fuck him!

My phone started to rang. It must be Tay

I had thought but it turned out to be Arm 

so I answered the call.

“Hey Arm, what's up?"

“Are you ready for the carnival?"

“Yes... So you really are going?"

“Yes yes yes! Cause Tay has donated me his


“Oh I see..."

“Off you don't need to look from your

window cause I am telling you that I am

waiting for you outside your house so come

out as soon as possible!"


Off... You are gonna have fun! You just can't

let your plan get spoiled. You need to have

a lot of fun!

I and Arm reached at the carnival after an

hour ride. Seriously that's how our dream

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