Chapter 14 {Feelings are hard}

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Max's p.o.v.

URGH like what the fuck happened to me that the singer at my bar, like the singer at my bar has become so special to me without even me noticing. Like I wouldn't even have noticed that I got so attached to him if Off haven't brought me into reality. Okay so this happened in the morning...

I went to the bar in the morning. I went inside to check on Off and his friend... What was his name again? Oh yes! Tay! Yeah lemme check up what mess they made last night. I know it's gonna take me a while to clean up.

I entered inside and saw both of them sleeping on each other's shoulders. Haha just look at these young boys, so drunk and wasted. But anyways it's enough sleep for them for now. I'mma wake them up.

"Hey Off! Get up! Don't you have to go to university?! Wake up!"

"Hummm... Just 5 minutes more..." Off mumbled in sleep.

"Wake the fuck up Off! This is my bar not your home!" I shouted which made Off wake up. He made his friend wake up too. Off asked his friend to go outside and wait for him. He'll help me and then go with his friend.

"Common Max, you could've let me sleep for a little longer."

"And why so?"

"Why not? You let me have drinks here for a fucking night and then you can't let me sleep for 5 minutes more. Such a bad person you are..."

"Common be glad that that I let you do all that before."

"Yeah just because Tul, your crush was present there, you gave me permission so that he gets a good impression on you. I know everything Max. It's clear on your eyes."

"What are you trying to say, huh!?"

"What are you even trying to hide Max!? Anyone can say that you have a crush on Tul."

"But I---"

"Okay so you are in your denial phase... Just give it a thought, how you treat him differently than others plus I can surely say that you guys aren't bed friends so yeah you have a huge crush on him and you wanna eat the shit out of him. I can see it."

"Shut the fuck up! Go to your university! Nonsense!"

So that's what happened. Even though I successfully made Off shut the hell up only for that moment though. But I know he surely got some point... Like I do want myself to be better in front of him... I want to spend time with him... I want him to sing songs for me... OMG! Now I'm acting like a sad protagonist! Stop it Max! Get a hold on yourself! He's your employee... And rule of business is to never fall for your employee. It's only bring you doom.

Tay's p.o.v.

After like trying our best we reached at university 10 minutes late. Like if we had delayed one more second, we would've been death. Gladly our class teacher is sweet so she accepts 10 minutes delay.

Arm was laughing at us cause yeah we were totally messed up. I hit him with my elbow and told him to shut up. Where Off was busy fixing his hair. Please even though being wasted and tired, he looks so good. My fluff ball!

"Hey Tay?" Arm whispered in my ear. Honestly I was annoyed and pissed cause I wanna look at Off, why's he disturbing me?!

"What?!" I whispered to him.

"Are you in love with Off?" I missed a heartbeat when Arm said it.

"Huh!? What are you even talking about!?"

"What? You think I can't say it by the way you look at him since months... Common it's pretty easy for me to tell. Your sight for him has changed." Common he needs to stop making realize that I've been in love with my best friend for quite a while.

"Common Arm don't speak bullshit." I said completely hiding the reality.

"Now say that again, looking directly into my eyes."

"Common stop being dramatic already."

"I know you can't, cause you are lying."

"Hey both of you! What the hell are you guys whispering huh?! Lemme hear it too." Off said, which stopped the conversation between me and Arm. Thank God! I really didn't wanted him to know... Cause if Arm gets to know... Most possibly Off will also get to know...

"Nothing just talking randomly about our last night hangout. Poor Arm missed it all!" I said.

"Yeah Arm you missed our ugly shitty face when we were crying like a mess!" Common Off it's so unfair to call you ugly.

"Common you guys just could've taken a picture! That's so unfair!"

"I know right! But you know we were like so sad and all so we forgot. But don't worry Tay is gonna give you a treat to make up, okay?"

"Yes! We going to shabu on Tay's treat! Deal sealed."

"Fine fine." I said.

After the classes, Off went to his cooking club. Like yes he always keep trying his best to learn cooking. Even though the progress is very little, now it's really edible.

Anyways I had thought that I got saved from Arm's questions but sadly it wasn't the reality. Arm just kept bugging me afterwards. But I just kept denying. I surely don't want to accept it to him cause I am not ready to tell Off about my feelings... I'm not ready to maybe lose our friendship...

I don't know but loving a best friend always goes wrong somehow or somewhat... Like it never goes well... I have saw in many dramas that loving a best friend causes so much pain. Mostly we have to lose our friendship... Having a happy ending got so rare chances... .

I know if I tell Arm the truth... He'll help me for sure. But still... I'm afraid... Losing Off is something I can't even imagine... It's like losing everything... Damn I'm just so terrified about everything.

After universe I and Off went to the same way on my car and Arm went to another way on his car... Like we used to...

"It's been a while since you came to drop me home like this..."


"Honestly I missed you in a huge amount... When you were giving New more time than me... I guess I got the possessive best friend syndrome..." Off said. Like only if he had possessive boyfriend syndrome towards me.

"Yeah I guess... More like possessive boyfriend syndrome." I said to tease him.

"Haha yes maybe! By the way it would've been good if we were boyfriends! We would've understood each other so well and could've took the best care of each other." He said... I know he said it as a joke... But it did hit me right in the spot. Like seriously why can't we just date? Why can't we hold hands? Why can't I kiss him whenever I want to?

"Ow what happened Tay? You are not gonna say anything, huh? And why are your eyes are wet like this?"

"Nothing... I just felt the need of a partner, that's it."

"Ow my baby is being sad in single." Off said. Only if he thought of me as his baby in that meaning... How good it would've been!

"I and Arm will find you a new and better boyfriend, I promise." Off said and grabbed my hand which is on the gear. Like just become my boyfriend already! I don't wanna be friends anymore! But no matter what, I know he sees me as his best friend.

I drove him to home and had some food with him which Nanon made. Like if I date Off, I'll get to eat superb food from Nanon too. After eating and doing some homework I dropped him at the bar where he works... Like my day just went on the flow with Off... Honestly this is good already.


A/N : Updated :-) thanks to y'all for inspiring me by comments<3

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