Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) | minecraft

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credits to Amphany on DeviantArt for the artwork above


Your textbooks sat untouched on the carpet, while you were absorbed in the greatest game to be ever created. Your pink-haired best friend was next to you, quietly concentrated on the game as well. It almost felt as though your books and notes were staring you down but you couldn't care less.

An hour ago, you'd come to Chiaki's house to do some homework and study for an upcoming exam, plus to spend some quality time with your crush. Five minutes of paging through a book on biochemistry, you and the Ultimate Gamer got distracted by a videogame.

It looked simple when you saw it, untidily arranged with the thousands of other games your partner had. A blocky man with a big blue sword on top of a hill that matched his cube-like design hadn't piqued your interest until Chiaki casually mentioned you could blow stuff up.

The thought of failing your very important exam and quite possibly restarting the year was buried in the back of your brain as you struggled to take down this skeletal archer dude. Chiaki, on the other hand, was calmly punching a tree and collecting blood red apples from the ground. You got familiar with the controls easily but still found some difficulty to click on the right controls during attacks.

Another hour and a half of grinding at this glorious game later, you and Chiaki had finished the main goals of the game; defeating a dragon and establishing a stable house. You were busy playing with bonemeal and seeing what kind of cool flowers and plants would pop out and the pink-haired gamer was down in a cave, searching for minerals.

"Hey, Chiaki, what's this?" You asked, holding a pretty, white flower that kind of looked like a table lamp.

"Lily of the Valley, it's a semi-rare flower that's only found in one specific biome. You're lucky to get one with bonemeal."

"One? I have like... six of them in my chest-"

Chiaki emerged from the cave, rushing over to your character and placing a baby pink shulker box next to you.

"What's this?" You questioned, turning your attention to the box instead of your growing collection of flowers.

"A shulker box...?"

"Yeah, I know but what's it for?"

"It's a secret." She looked at you. "Open it!"

You clicked on the box and saw gemstones and flowers in a pattern on the grid. They were arranged in a heart, the diamonds and an emerald in the middle and a heart made of various flowers and fern surrounding them. Each of the items were renamed.

Your eyes widened as you slowly read and made sense of the message.

It was pretty obvious that Chiaki was confessing to you, especially with her clutching the controller closer to herself and blushing a light pink, a bit rosier than her hair.

The next few minutes were awkward, mush to your chagrin. You wanted to say something but had trouble framing a proper, understandable sentence that wasn't just an unintelligible string of vowels. You were shook that your crush reciprocated your feelings.

It was 8:30 PM when you realised you were underprepared for tomorrow and overstayed at the Nanami household. Hurriedly stuffing your belongings in your backpack, you dashed down the stairs, with Chiaki following close behind.

You froze for a second, did a 180 and kissed the clearly uncomfortable gamer. She stopped fiddling with her fingers and kissed you back, enjoying the short moment while it lasted, and bid you goodbye as you ran all the way to your own residence.

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