Claire Browne (The Good Doctor) | paper rings

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"Right, and you fold it over like this." You instructed, demonstrating using your own piece of mint green origami paper.

Your girlfriend had finally gotten some free time after working overtime at St Bonaventure, and decided to spend it with you. She'd somehow learned that you were an origami master in high school but lost interest for some reason and decided to reignite your passion for the craft. She purchased some colourful origami paper at a nearby craft store and came to see you.

"And that's how you make an origami cat!" You said, proudly showing off your green feline. Claire held hers up so you could see, the folding was a bit sloppy but with a little practice, she could be the same level as you. "Let's make rings now-" You hissed in pain as one of the purple sheets cut your index finger, blood slowly trickling out of the wound. You weren't so good with blood, unlike the surgeon, so you could immediately feel the drowsiness wash over you.

"Y/n!" Claire exclaimed, inspecting the wound expertly. "It's just a paper cut, we can get it fixed." You nodded slowly in response and weakly walked over to the kitchen, where you had your first-aid kit.

Claire opened the kit and took out the necessary supplies; a spray bottle filled with distilled water, some antiseptic and a small band-aid. She first sprayed the wound with the water and cleaned it with a tissue before gently applying the antiseptic. Lastly, she stuck the band-aid on before pressing a gentle kiss on your rather insignificant wound. "There, that should do it."

"Thanks, love." You whispered, pushing s piece of her hair behind her ear. "Wanna go make those rings now?"

"Actually, let me make one, just for you."

"Okay, if you insist."

The two of you walked back to the living room and sat around the coffee table, where the messy stack of origami papers were. She took the special kind of origami papers, the metallic ones, specifically the rose gold one. She was rather slow with her fingers when making origami, unlike in surgery where she was quick and nimble. She made every crease as neat as she could and within five minutes, a lovingly made origami ring was born.

Claire slipped it onto your right ring finger, careful not to accidentally tear it or damage it in any way.

"Consider this a promise, Y/n. When we're both ready, I'm going to give you a real ring."

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