Rantaro Amami (Danganronpa) | bike rides and butterflies

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Rantaro Amami, a really awesome character from Danganronpa. i thought he'd be a really cool character to write for and turns out, he was!! i hope you like it!


Rain against the window like rocks crashing down. Lightning flashed brightly, lighting up the room for a split second before the sound followed. With each bolt, your eyes shut tighter and your hands held the blankets closer.

Please come back...

Hours ago you'd bravely watched a horror movie with Rantaro, who'd left after the movie ended. Now, you were trying to sleep but obviously failing miserably. You would've asked the green-haired man to sleep over but you didn't want to seem clingy. After all, you guys weren't officially dating. You were just friends... who cared a lot more about each other than they were willing to admit. That was the conclusion you'd come to.

A far more terrorising crackle of thunder sent you flying in the air, and subsequently dashing out the door all the way to the kitchen. You steadied your breathing without much difficulty and started heating some water to make tea, just to calm you down so you could sleep again.

Outside, just near your house, a motorbike could be heard. Then the ding of your doorbell, which startled you a bit. Opening the door revealed a drenched Rantaro.

Pieces of hair fell down in wet tendrils and framed his already perfect features. His jade eyes showed a sense of alarm. You ushered him in and quickly ran to get a towel. Thankfully, there was enough hot water for two servings of tea.

"Thanks." He graciously accepted the tea, proceeding to burn the roof of his mouth. "You put honey in it?"

"Mhm, just how you like it."


Both of you stayed quiet, sipping your tea, not knowing when to speak. Often times, you glanced at each other but turned to the cup as soon as your eyes met. You wondered what made him come here at such an ungodly hour, feeling slightly happy that you got to see him again.

"You seem awfully calm for someone who sent me a voice message to come back."


You whipped out your phone and checked your messages with Rantaro, and sure enough you did send him a message, 45 minutes ago.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone how pathetic you sounded." he joked, winking at you cheekily.

"Oh, shush! It's not like anyone would ever believe you."


The best thing about talking with Rantaro is that as long as someone started the conversation, mostly him, it was very easy to continue, mostly you. A lot topics were discussed, including Kokichi's cult and Shuichi's newest cases.

"So, when are you going to bed?" Your companion suddenly asked.

"I'm not sure, but probably after the storm subsides."

"What are you going to do until then?"

"Whatever seems interesting, I guess. Talking to you seems like the most worthwhile thing I can do right now."

"Great! Wanna play a game?"


What started as a simple, harmless game of UNO escalated to an intense gambling session. Bets were made and winnings were enjoyed, until the other player won them all back. The pair of you had made some good money on it, as increasingly tired as both of you were.

"Pick up four and change it to green aaand, UNO!" Rantaro declared, smiling triumphantly.

"Why green... Blue is so much better." Your deck was overflowing and you picked up four more from the pile in front of you, before placing a green reverse card and a 6 of the same colour.

Your opponent placed his last card in a dramatic fashion, a green your-turn-is-missed card.

"You don't have to give me my money for this round, Y/n. I'm sure your wallet is emptier than my cookie jar."

"Seriously!? How good are you at this ridiculous game?"

"Much better than you." He opened the cap of the water bottle nearby, taking a big swig of the cold liquid inside and humming in pleasure as it rushed down his throat. "Anyway, we're sharing, right?"

"Sharing what?"

"Your bed, obviously."

"You can take it, I sleep much better on the floor."

Rantaro didn't say anything, he just flopped on your bed and snuggly nestled in your pile of blankets. You pulled a couple off him and laid them down on the floor before lying down.

"Today was a good day, yeah?" Rantaro muttered to you.

"Today was a fantastic day." You replied, closing your eyes in exhaustion.



"Can I ask you a question?"

Your eyes flew open and saw your cabbage-headed friend lying on his side, facing you.

"What exactly are we?"

"I don't know, Taro, but I know that we're really good friends."

You saw Rantaro fiddle with one of the many rings he had on his fingers. On closer inspection, it was your favourite piece of jewelry that he owned, a silver ring with a small butterfly motif, with tiny gems adorning said butterfly's wings. You'd bought it for him when he'd insisted on taking you somewhere on his bike, back when he first got it.

"Welp, sorry if I woke you up with that question. You can go to sleep now, I promise I won't disturb you any further." He said, smiling and turning to the other side.

"Good night, Taro."

"Good night, N/n. Sleep well."


"When are you going to have the guts to tell her how you feel, Rantaro!?" You faintly heard Kaito's energetic voice.

"When I feel like both of us are ready."

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