Kazuma Asogi (Ace Attorney) | dandelions

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rushed through this one a bit but hopefully it doesn't disappoint. Asogi is one of my favourite characters in the series but writing for him from a romantic perspective was kinda painful for me because i ship AsoRyuu so much. but, if i hadn't included him in this book, i don't think i'd ever forgive myself LMAO


You could feel Kazuma's eyes bore into your head. How? There wasn't a logical reason, it was just instinct. You'd known the man ever since you'd come to Imperial Yumei and that was because you were both in the law department. Slowly but surely, you'd fallen hard for the lawyer. You couldn't really blame yourself. A large majority of the students fancied him for his many charms.

Your favourite thing about Kazuma was his eyes. As cheesy as it sounds, it was true. His amber eyes were powerful, captivating, breathtaking. You could literally go on and on about how magnificent they were, and so could everyone else who'd known him, even for a single minute.

This had happened before, a few times actually, so you know what it meant. Kazuma usually just stared at your direction if he had something to say but didn't want to say it in front of people. You had a gut feeling about this and just needed to turn to him for confirmation. It was like a language, one that only you two could understand.

You were in the middle of class right now and you knew your Civil Procedure teacher, who was a middle-aged British man with a temper that was as short as his d!ck, would give a long lecture if he found you were talking in his class. Unfortunately, Kazuma didn't care and resorted to throwing his pencils at you to gain your attention, which he successfully did.

'Seriously, Kazuma. We're in the middle of a bloody lecture and you have something to tell me?' You thought, annoyed at his persistence. But you still put up the most polite face you could muster and mouthed "talk later". Kazuma just pouted and crossed his hands across his chest, sitting straighter and looking away from you.

You could never be too mad at Kazuma, he always had a way to melt your tension and wash them away but, you still wondered sometimes how you fell for someone as stubborn as him.


Class was finally over and you couldn't wait to get a few minutes of relaxation. However that had to wait as you remembered Kazuma had something he was itching to tell you. You found him near the school gates with Ryunosuke, who smiled widely when he noticed you. Kazuma turned around noticing this and motioned you to come over, which you did.

"Good day, Y/n! How are you this fine evening?" Ryunosuke greeted, with this bright smile still evident.

"I'm doing good, Ryuu. Exhausted, but good."

"Anyway, Kazuma here wanted to tell you something so I'll be off now. Goodbye!"

You expected Kazuma to stop him from running away but he didn't. Ryunosuke never left abruptly like this and even if he was about to, the other brunet always stopped him, requesting to witness whatever would happen.

"Well, Y/n, you look you're fighting a war in your mind. Are you alright?" Kazuma asked, slightly concerned.

"I'm fine, Kazuma, but you still haven't told me what you wanted to tell me."

"Ahh, yes. I was wondering if you were free tonight. Do you know of that dandelion field just behind the public library?"

"Yeah, I think so. I think I've passed by it a few times."

"Could you perhaps meet me there at 6:30 today?"

"Hmm, alright. I think I can make some time for you." You said, checking your pocket watch. Smiling at your response, Kazuma walked away with a little spring in his step. 'What could be such good news that makes him all smiles?', you wondered, feeling his infectious joy.


The sun was just setting so you didn't feel too unsafe venturing out to the dandelion field. You expected to find some trouble along the way but thankfully, you made it there on time. Kazuma was sitting with his legs crossed on a patch of squashed dandelions and dry leaves. It didn't take long for him to sense your presence, clearing up some place for you to sit comfortably. You took your seat next to him, taking in the setting in front of you; the last of the sun's light dazzling his already godly visuals.

"The scenery looks really peaceful this time of day..." Kazuma uttered, looking off into the distance.

"It really does."

"Honestly, Y/n, I think you're reading too much romance books." He let out a laugh, fluttering your insides.

"I can't help it."

"Listen... there is something I need to tell you."

You thought everything Kazuma would possibly want to talk to you about. Did he not want to be your friend anymore? That couldn't be the case, he was so happy earlier today. Did he find out about your crush on him? You didn't know. All you could do was feebly ask what it was.

"There has been something bothering me, something I haven't told anyone except Susato-san. I've noticed that I've been treating you differently, treating you like I treat Ryunosuke or Susato-san. I've been... caring for you more than I have for any other person, compromising for you, missing you very much even if we're only a couple rooms apart. After months of thinking, I've realised that I... I love you." He finished his confession with a tinge of red covering his nose and ears and looked at you, scanning your face for any evidence that might suggest you had mutual feelings for him.


Kazuma was taken aback with your sudden and totally unexpected response.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Yes." you repeated, articulating the syllable.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I love you too."


now that that's done i think i've learned my lesson that i should never procrastinate writing. i hope you enjoyed despite it ending suddenly like the last one and have a good day/night!!

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