Jason (Ace Attorney Next Generation) | meme lord

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credits to HamiltonAttorney2277 for this artwork of Jason von Karma, the star of this oneshot!

i couldn't update yesterday because of the amount of schoolwork i was determined to finish so i quickly did this to make up for it. today's part might be posted tomorrow or today if i can get it done fast enough. anyways, enjoy!!


You were sick and tired.

Sick and tired of the prosecutor in front of you, who was quoting memes in the middle of a murder trial. His smug smirk was infuriating but you didn't let it show, in case he used to it his advantage.

Jason was the product of the local memer, Maya Fey, and the world-famous, cold-hearted prosecutor, Franziska von Karma, and he truly was a perfect combination of the two. He could be making terrible dad jokes one time and the next moment, he could have the look in his eyes that scream 'make a sound and I'm obliterating you'.

You two were the 'it' couple, the couple who had so much fun depression was treated like blasphemy.

This was outside the courtroom.

Inside, the story was different. You used each other's weaknesses to your advantage and swore at each other using venomous eye-contact. It was normal for the Judge to consider hiding from your conflicts during the trials, and when it got so bad, that was exactly what he did.

"Your Honour, with just a little more time, I'm sure my coworker Ms Wright will be here any moment now with the required evidence!"

"Being hopeful eh... Weird flex but okay." You glared at him from across the room.


A random man, who was sitting among the gallery, had shot up from his seat and declared himself a witness even though he had no bearing on the case whatsoever. That's what everyone thought.

Thanks to your abilities that come with being an employee of the Wright Anything Agency, you were able to prove that the man was in fact, the last person the victim saw before their death. Your cross-examination was coming to an end when you heard Jason say something.

"When will you learn!?" He said, coming nearer to the witness box. "When will you learn," he slammed his fists on the wood separating him and the man, his knuckles red. "THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!?"


Selena had finally arrived with the papers, papers pointing to an extramarital affair of the victim. This led to a woman to be the newest witness, and the situation was escalated to your disadvantage. The Judge was at the edge of his seat from all the drama that'd been happening.

"Miss O'Nick, we have evidence proving you were the one the victim was cheating on her husband with. Now, this may mean that you're hated by the victim's husband but if you tell us the truth, the one who killed your-"

"No off-topic questions."

"Why!?" you asked in disbelief.

"Because I don't want you to."

"That's not a reason-"

"No, no."


"Permission denied."

"Dude, why aren't you letting me say a-"

"That's an off-topic question. You have been stopped."


"And the defendant is officially," Judge raised the gavel, ready to pound it, "NOT GUILTY!"

Confetti rained down like it always did for the last twenty years, and you looked at Jason, smiling triumphantly.

He wasn't anywhere near the prosecutor's side of the room, instead peeping out through the exit door and leaving after saying "Bye Felicia!"

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