Pearl Fey (Ace Attorney) | only you

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credits to the original artist!

this was really fun to write because i related to this a lot. anyway, Cody Hackins from the first game appears in this after i realised he's only a year apart from Pearls. hope you enjoy!!


Your hands turned to fists at the speed of lightning and your face contorted into the nastiest glare you could muster.

Pearl was sitting with a boy, Cody Hackins, and looked like she was having the time of her life. They looked perfect, much to your dismay, they'd met when Maya had taken her to see a Steel Samurai concert, they were about the same age, and they seemed to enjoy their time together.

You'd liked the spirit medium for a while now but never confessed, thinking your feelings were but a temporary infatuation, but seeing her lively and bright with the fanboy made something in you at the brink of eruption. They continued talking about god knows what, leaving you to dwell in your state of jealousy.

You would've interrupted them but you didn't want Pearl to think you were a bad person, that would be the end of it all. So you just sat with nothing to do except internally swear at the fanboy.

"Hey, have you had the official Steel Samurai milkshake!?" Cody suddenly asked. Pearl shook her head. Your attention was piqued as soon as he mentioned milkshake. "Me neither, I've heard it's really expensive though, ranging from $50 or something."

"Oh wow, that's much too expensive for a simple milkshake. Why would anyone spend so much for something like that?"

"That's where you're wrong. It's not your everyday, 'simple' milkshake. It's made from 100% full fat milk and ice cream that's been chilled in the Himalayas. The chocolate used is apparently a collaboration between Switzerland and Belgium, and the strawberries are grown in Japan and are about $7 each."

"That's a lot of effort put into a milkshake." You commented.

"Yeah! That's why it's so special to us Steel Samurai fans!"

"The franchise has been going on for like ten years already."

"It's been popular for ten years!"

You felt it was useless to argue with him so you gave up.


A couple of hours went by and you and Pearl were finally on the road to your homes.

"Today was fun, wasn't it, Y/n?" She asked, skipping along the way.

"I guess." You grumbled in response.

"Is something the matter?"


"You know you can tell me right?" Pearl said, reaching for your hand. You looked at her, right into her silver eyes.

"I love you." You whispered, looking away.

"What was that?"


Pearl blushed a bright red, which was visible even as the sun was half gone.

"Y/-" She started.

"You probably don't like me back because of that Brody dude but I just had to get it out, before you get together with him and break me for life."


"You always seem so happy when you're spending time with him and it makes me feel like a third wheel."

"Y/n, I-"

"And I don't even know why I join you two but I guess I'm just so lonely without you that it hurts sometimes and I can't stand it so I-"

"Y/n, I love you too!"

Now it was your time to blush, not because she said that but because you just realised you were blabbering.

"I've loved you too Y/n, for longer than I remember. You stuck with me when my mother went away and even helped me through starting high school for the first time. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done so I tried being the best friend I can be, because that's what you were to me. But then I felt something more, like I needed something more between us. Miss Maya said it was called 'love'. "

There were no more words that needed to be said, everything was said and done, no more regrets. If there was anything to be said, it was said in smiles and eye contact, as you both continued the walk to Kurain village, hand in hand.

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