09. 'we kinda fell asleep'

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Sorry for not updating for almost a week but thanks to my cousin harrySty1eswh0r3  I am back to do daily updates.
Enjoy bitches.

"Look at them, they look so peaceful and cute." I heard a voice said, I payed no attention and continued sleeping.

"Mhm, we should take a picture," Another voice said. I tried to turn around, still with my eyes closed but couldn't exactly move, "Quick! Take it before she wakes up!" Another voice said, I heard the click of a camera and finally opened my eyes.

There was....no one at the door, am I dreaming? I look at the heavy thing that's stopping me from moving just to see it's Conrad, "Uhhh." I startled.

I tried to move his arm away from him but he just pulled me closer, groaning as he did, "Okay...." I whispered.

I'm obviously dreaming, I mean, why would Conrad Fisher be in my bedroom, sleeping next to me while hugging me and pulling me closer to him. That's definitely a dream.

It's not that I don't like it, but it feels too real— like he's actually hugging me with his arms gripping on my waist and pulling me closer......should I move?

"Don't move." He suddenly murmured. Is he a mind reader? What the actual fuck. Okay, so this is not a dream, I think.

I gently grab his arm and let go of my waist, I drag myself out of the bed, careful not to wake him up but failed as I fall onto the floor. "Ow!" I yelped.

Conrad jumped from bed and instantly looked where I was. "What happened? Ow, my head hurts." He said in one breath. I sit up from the floor and smile at him.

"We kinda fell asleep, like for real asleep—"

"Oh." He looked at me.

"Yeah, you were like hugging me—like I was some teddy bear." I nodded.

"Oh." He said but with a more confused tone.

"Yup, and I kind of tried to move away but you were like, 'don't move.' But... I ended up moving and then I fell down to the floor."



I slowly nodded, slightly looking away trying not to make things any more awkward. Conrad looked at me before covering his face with the pillow he slept on.

We stayed in an awkward silence for a few seconds before my brother stepped in with the box of muffins that had no muffins.

"Which one of you ate my chosen muffins!?" He angrily asked, holding the box with a hold grip while showing us the empty box.

Conrad and I looked at each other. "Uhhh." Conrad stuttered, "We didn't know there were muffins, if we knew we would've ate them."

I nodded, holding in my laughter so Jake wouldn't suspect it was us who ate them. "Yup. Besides, we we're asleep, fully asleep."

He looked at us, shrinking his eyes at us as if he knew something we didn't.

"Sure....I'm gonna go now.." he said as he stepped out of the room, still looking at us suspiciously. I was about to laugh but Jake's face popped out of the room, "You ate them, didn't you?" He asked me.

I opened my mouth as my smile faded away, "What? No. Get out!" I throw my pillow at him and it hit him. He groaned in pain and completely stepped out of my room.

"Do you think he knows?" Conrad asked a few seconds after Jake left the room. I turn to him and nod.


𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 , Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now