19: looking good for a dead bitch

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My blood runs cold, whooshing is all that I can hear. My body is seemly calm, numb, and I can't quite grasp myself. Then all at once, I can feel it and I can hear it. The pain swarms through my shoulder, side, and abdomen. However, this pain isn't mine.

Seemingly still in a trance of my own, I whip myself up and fear strikes me as I see what is happening only a couple of feet in front of me. My pulse quickens as my mind takes in the scene slowly.

My mother is over Ryder, blood pooling from his abdomen as I feel the magic pooling out. Elliot and Ben sit near him with my father over them. With all their faces scrunched up with pain, I feel like I've been punched in the gut.

Looking back, I can see that this did happen in real life and only in my mind at the same time. I can see on the edge of my vision more undead arriving slowly. Looking from my left to right I saw a dagger laying on the floor only a couple of feet from me.

I look behind me and see the undead start to slowly inclose on my family. It didn't take long for me to jump to my feet and grab the dagger with electric blood flowing through my veins. The first victim, the undead who punched me. Standing to my feet and grabbing the dagger I turn around fast and slash his throat.

I can't trust my powers now, and even though I am not using them I can feel the presence on the edge of my sanity, pushing and pushing for its way. I keep it at bay as long as possibly human. The anger boils over and I let the power from this thing help me.

The extended inky black of my hands and now arms are covered with blood as I fight through the crowd letting myself feel the anger. The festering wound in my stomach and the invisible one did not stop me from killing.

Hair flies into my face, however, I can hardly see it over the blood bath dripping off of myself and the floor as I move swiftly taking out how many I can. Minutes pass, hours even as I fight, the injuries I acquired through the battle having no impact on myself or my want for their death.

I get sucked in and can feel the thrum in my battle from blood lust and then I hear a whistle. And suddenly I'm pulling from the tunnel vision. Looking over my shoulder it was Ben who called me, his eyes reaching mine and I see no fear in them.

Weakly he waves his hand as my father grabs both men and hosters them out following my mother who carries Ryder. Pain is still etched on their faces, but not as much.

I turn back around to face the undead and nod my head following them and providing as much protection as I can with my tiny dagger. As the blood lusts weans, pain is festering it's self back in. I can feel the blood dripping down myself for the first time but pay no attention to it.

After all, I have better things to protect than myself, my mom, my dad, and my loves. Nothing matters if they aren't here with me. And with that set of mind, I pushed through the pain until we could get through the portal and then I collapsed.


I can feel my body stirring, eyes attempting to open when I can feel the resistance of my mind and body. I ignore that however and push past it. Opening my eyes they are greeted by the soft light of the sun outside just before sunset.

I try to sit up and wince at the pain in my abdomen. I look down and see I am dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts and a sports bra for better access to my stomach. Bandages cover most of the room of my stomach and my arm is in a sling. Moving the right shoulder sends a shock of pain up and down the arm. I only grunt and push myself further to get out of bed.

Looking around for the first time, I don't notice the room I am in. So much like a hospital but not quite. As the sounds come from my mouth, a woman walks in and rushes over to me. She pushes me down back onto the bed but I ignore her and stand up.

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