8: home-sweet-home

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The joke was a much-needed source of joy at the moment. Elliot went to go shower and clean himself while the rest of us talk about what was going to happen. Ryder and Bentley were talking about where we were going to leave from here but got interrupted by my stomach growling.

They both looked over to me in horror that they forgot to feed me since I can't do it myself. They had both left after Elliot got out of the shower to go get food and the other to go do some research. Elliot made himself at home in my room and cozied up on the bed with me.

We put on some movie in the background while I just looked out the window. Elliot grabbed my hand and felt the skin on it. He kept staring at the skin, I guess wondering what was happening to me. Although it is rare, this was one of the side effects of necromancy that I experience every time I raise the dead.

It's also the reason why I try to keep to myself back at home, too many humans live there and there are too many jobs for me to do. Until I can put the bed back to rest my hands will stay that way.

He didn't say anything to me about it, sensing it was a topic for another day. But he still kept his hand in mine, although I didn't mind since my hands were awfully cold due to the life being sucked out of them. And that is how we laid for the next couple of minutes, just enjoying each other's presence.

At some point, I did manage to fall asleep. It had been a while since I did get some deep sleep and it was starting to show in the bags under my eyes. I was awoken soon however by someone gently nudging my shoulder.

I sat up and food was placed in front of me. It seemed to be roast beef with some veggies on the side. I didn't spend another second looking and dug in as all three of them watched me. The other two had also tried to squeeze themselves on my queen-sized mattress, but it didn't work like that.

In the end, Ryder and Bentley had to have rock, paper, scissors... Ryder won. With Elliot and Ryder beside me and Bentley at my feet, we fell asleep like that. I think it was one of the most peaceful nights of sleep I had in a while, like for a split second all the dead inside my head were gone, replaced by these three.

The morning was quick to reach us. This time I was awoken by the three men talking, although they tried their best to keep it quiet. After a quick trip to the bathroom courtesy of Elliot they sat me down and we started talking.

" As for the dead, they have all been put back to rest by the rest of the necromancers while you were healing. While you were asleep we decided where we were going to go when we leave today." Bentley started off in his professional alpha tone. "We will head back to your house and leave our second in commands to run the groups for a while. Until you are able to walk again then we can talk again about where we are to go. All of our groups are in separate parts of the world."

Looking down at my hands I could tell what he was saying was true, the black on my hands was starting to fade. It wasn't too bad of a plan. There really wasn't much else to do here since the meetings were over and I was hurt for most of them. So with all of us in agreement, they packed up my stuff for me and we were on the first plane back to Washington.

Fear struck over me when I remembered I haven't talked to my mom in a while. She will kick my butt all the way to mars for not telling her all that has happened.

Once the plane landed it was the first thing I did in the car. I was quite nervous to talk to her with the guys around as well, who knows what she will think or do.

The phone rang three times before she picked up, "Dove diavolo sei stato? I have been worrying about you all week. You know how I get when you don't call me, mia piccola stella." My mother was always like this, in an Italian family yelling is like second nature to her.

"Well, we have a lot to talk about, mama."Looking over to the three of them pretending they are listening. "For now I can tell you I have found my fated, and I broke my leg. So why don't you come over when you have the time, yes?"

The sound of her choking didn't surprise me at all since she has been like this her entire life. I can imagine her now with her curly blonde hair in a bun, tugging at it in stress as I've seen her always do at my father.

We talked for a little bit longer before I got off the phone and looked back at the three of them. Ryder was the first to ask questions obviously.

"I didn't know you and your mom are Italian." He seemed like a child, very curious to learn more about me and my life. Soon the others tuned in as well even if they acted like they weren't paying attention.

"Yes, my mom is very old school Italian since she is pretty old and my father is from New York. I don't really take after my mother much though. Her Italian blood runs strong with her blonde curly hair, deeply tan skin, and brown eyes. I take after my father who has straight brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes."

They all wanted to know more about me after I shared that detail of my life with them. They asked about all kinds of things like my white piece of hair all the way down to my pet cat named Eris. It was a good way for the time to fly since the drive was quite long.


It was almost sundown by the time we made it to my small house in the woods. All three of them stood outside of it while Elliot rolled me to my front door to unlock it. All of it felt like a fever dream. Finding them and being attacked seemed like the past as I was strolled into my warm, book-filled house.

They put all their stuff down on the ground and went to help me settle in. Since it was normally only me in this house there were only two rooms, one was being used as an office for my work. They didn't seem to mind the king-size bed though and started helping with the chores.

I had gotten up with my crutches to help with the cleaning to make room for their stuff even though they all sent me dirty looks. I just ignored them and started to help with packing up the books on my floor.

With the system we had going on, it was nighttime before we knew it, luckily Ryder was on it with dinner and we got to sit down and talk some more before we all headed to the bedroom.

They all played rock, paper, scissors again to see who would sleep on the end of the bed. Once again Bentley lost to Elliot and Ryder. We all got settled into bed and started to doze off to the sound of Bentley mumbling about making a bigger bed.

edited 1/8/22 :)


Andddd I think that is enough writing for one day. Once I go back through and edit these I think I'm going to post these once to twice a week. 

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