surprise shorty

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Sorry, I don't have any more chapters coming out this week, but I thought that a fun little chapter in between reads would be fun.

I bring you ...FUN FACTS

These are just some facts about the making of the characters and their personalities.

I feel like I haven't given anyone really a description of what makes me love Kerra's looks so much, and that would be her hair.

-Kerra's hair is based on a true condition. There is a real condition people are born with or develop that causes a chunk of their hair, eyebrows, eyelashes or any other piece of hair on them to be white. The condition is called poliosis and is very rare. "Poliosis is a rare condition that is thought to affect between 1 in 40,000 and 1 in 100,000 Caucasian people."Here is an example of what it can look like. This is what I imagine Kerra's hair looks like even though she doesn't have poliosis. (I tried to do as much research as I could on this topic. Please let me know if I got any information wrong)

-When choosing Kerra's design the white hair and black turning fingers stayed as a huge part of her character. I thought that adding something that really pulled her and the necromancer community away from other supernaturals would help make the hate a compelling storyline.

-The hair and fingers were something different but also similar to the rest of the supernaturals.Kerra was meant to only take features after a co-parent when I was thinking of her design. I thought it would be pretty cool to show that she took after her Irish, pale, human, father instead of her Italian mother. But the touch of both ladies having this power and hair tying them together seemed very heartwarming.

-My original play for Ryder was to have many different colored hairs throughout the book. I see him as a very playful character and thought that he would be one to dye his hair in all kinds of colors since it is a natural light blonde color.

-When talking about Ryder in one of the first chapters, you read in his description that he had many scars on his arms and had purple eyes. Although it hasn't been told in the story yet, these are all due to Ryder's childhood with magic. When he was a teenager he started to mess around in black magic, aka blood magic. And one day he did a spell that caused his eyes to change purple, telling everyone around him that he used black magic at one point in his life.

Bentley (Ben):

-Ben's eyes don't change colors like other werewolves. Since he is a very strong alpha, his eyes stay the natural silver color of his wolf.

-Ben's age is around 120 years in my story. I wanted him to be quite aged so his personality was more developed and he brought an understanding of the world around him since he's been around for so long.

-When creating Ben, I wanted a design that was quite different than others I've seen on Wattpad. So far when you look you see tall, brewing, tan men as werewolves. That is the sole reason why I went for a design that was quite different, I wanted diversity in this story so everyone could enjoy it and it's not just in Ben's design. I also wanted to break away from the "always mean" stereotype you see a lot. Ben is just one of those characters that put up that mean front because he is so old and he's seen how the world plays with people.


-Elliot's real age is somewhere near 500 years old. Although he didn't age much after he turned around 20, you can still see him sort of age to keep himself looking like a human.

-Elliot is originally from England, where his coven was started and still is.

-Although Elliot is quite old, he's learned to pick up on modern-day things like clothes, hair, etc, but still sometimes speaks old English. It's something he catches himself doing often when talking to his coven of vampires since most of them are quite old too.

-Although Elliot is a vampire, he doesn't need to feed much to live. Since he is a very powerful vampire blood isn't really needed daily unless he wants it. Now, on the other hand, vampires can feed/bite on their beloved to make them feel very pleasurable. This is Elliot's mind, is kinda what makes up a vampire, finding and serving their beloved. He has had plenty of time to think of ways to treat that person like the queen or king they are ;).

I hope this gave you some info into the chapters in the book, I don't think I've done them any justice yet with their personalities.

Also, I'm thinking of making character boards for them as a little surprise chapter in the book to allow three uploads one week...buttt I'm only going to do it if yall seem into it because I'm lazy.

You know the drill, not edited yet :')

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