13: Tick Tock on the clock

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After looking around the room for a while, I found a couple of old books that might be of use to us. Although this is my library, many books end up on my shelves from somewhere. I think that is due to the enchantment on it.

The other three spent no time waiting and also got to look after I made the first move. It was a very big library room, with thousands of books to search through. After looking through my tenth or so book, the sun had started to set.

With a sigh, I stood up and cracked my back. Sitting in that chair for hours had my back sore and my throat dry. I quietly left the room in search of something to drink for my dry mouth. Making my way down the hall, I walked into my kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I spent some time looking at the sun setting, something you don't see often when you are preoccupied with three men. The glass made a silent 'tink' noise when I sat it in the sink. It had been so long since I was truly alone in this house I forgot what it was like when it was silent.

I started my slow trek back to the library when I saw a book on the kitchen table. I'm not sure if it was there or not when I walked in, but I walked near it anyway. I was probably too busy to even notice it whether it was there from the guys or me hours ago.

I picked it up, it was quite heavy in my hands for a normal book. Wiping my fingers over the cover of it, it was very dusty and the leather was older than books I've seen from this century.
I turned the book to look at the fading green spine only to see it has no name on it.

My curiosity peaks since I've never seen this book before. Opening the darkening brown pages, this book seems to not have left its shelf in years even though it seems to have aged nicely.

I can still read what is on the pages but can't at the same time. They are in heavy dark ink written in cursive lettering and language I've never learned before. The sun has set by now, the minutes seem to tick on fast but slow.

I try to look for any language that I understand in the book. Flipping through all the pages till I reached one that is almost halfway through the book. This page has many old pictures on it and writing in Latin, a language I do know.

The silence is almost unbearable at this point. Although the guys are only a couple of feet away from the kitchen table, I couldn't hear them at all. All I can hear was the ticking of the kitchen cat clock that sat above my fridge.

'Tick'            'tock'       

I take a better look into the pictures, although faded you can see the slight bits of color and outline they still have. I couldn't see the pictures as well as I thought I could now, so I focused back on the writing.

I can make out what it says even with it in the same thick font as the other writing. A sigh leaves my lips as I read out what it says.

"Apertus, arctus. Ostium aperit super tertium ricinum anuli..." (Open, close. The door opens on the third tick of ring..)

The ticking of the clock stops. I can feel a dizzy spell come over me, and my vision seems to fail me. The world becomes blurry and I can see many spirits appear around me. My mental shield has fallen, letting them in.

Around me in a circle, other spirits appear. They seem to come from the ground and have a glow about them. My heart is bumping out of my throat, something like this has never happened to me.

A shriek is coming from the spirits that have appeared around me, the sound only growing when my vision gets weaker and weaker. The sounds become too much, after forever as it feels like I just let my vision fade and the sounds of the damned take me.

It is dark when I awaken. A groan slips my throat and my body feels heavy like I was beaten up. My eyes feel crusted over when I try to open them. Finely after waking up my numb arms I rubbed my eyes open.

I am in a dungeon-type room, sitting on a cold stone floor. A small draft makes its way into my 'room'. My body feels too tired to try and get up from my spot on the floor so I try to look around where I am. I see nothing other than the three stone walls around me. Not a sound was made in the cold room; only grunts could be heard.

With exhaustion biting at my eyes. I close them and hope I will feel a bit better when I open them again. I am so tired I don't even realize that there are no spirits around even with my guards down



I'm not dead I promise;)

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