2: into the thick of it

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Luckily I found a flight that could get me on in the next two days. The flight wasn't so bad other than the ghosts that would fly all around the people to try and satisfy their boredom. Currently, I am in a taxi on the way to the castle in Oregon where the conventions are always held at.

These meets are really for the other supernaturals, the werewolves, vampires, witches, etc, to meet up and talk about how things are going around the world and who needs help. For people like me, we are not welcomed by the other supernaturals. We are only needed to do the dirty work of them, and yet we are still invited every year.

At least on that horrible plane ride over I heard some good gossip. Many new people are coming this year since it's been around three or four years since the last meeting. Many new people have taken over their packs or covens and are hoping to establish their dominance at the meeting.

Rubbing my forehead at the growing headache, I can just feel already how this is going to go. With many new and young faces, there will be many fights over this week. Luckily I didn't get to think about it too much with the taxi pulled up in front of the castle.

Paying him what is owed I get out and pull out my two bags and wait at the gate. It wasn't too long till someone came and opened the gate for me. I said my thank you's as they took my bags to my room and showed me inside.

This castle always surprises me, even though it has only been a couple of years since I was last here the inside has been remodeled. Now it seems to have an old-English vibe to the castle with many new dark brown and green ascents inside.

People are gathered around the entrance of the castle, talking, gossiping, eating, doing whatever they do I guess. I can already hear many remarks about how I dressed and about my "line of work". Many of the ones talking are part of one of the royal branches. They dress very 1700s and pride themselves on how long it takes them to get ready in the morning.

They make remarks about my dress only because I am wearing leggings and an oversize black t-shirt since I only just got off the plane. When you are here you are expected to dress your best and act the part.

I don't plan on doing that anyway since I am the outcast anyway, there is no way to hide the white pieces of hair, so I don't plan on it. Instead, I just make my way to the library they allow guests to use while they are here. It helps me a lot with research I wouldn't normally be able to find since the books are so old.

The meetings start tomorrow so I spend the rest of the day in the library researching for a job I have when I get back. I skipped lunch and dinner reading up on the stack of books I have at my feet and I didn't leave till one of the staff came in to clean and pushed me out.

With it being near midnight all I could do was make my way to my room and go to sleep. Easier said than done since all the candles in the hallways were almost out, making it very dark. When I went to turn a corner I accidentally bumped into something.

Feeling around to see what it was, it was quite squishy for being a wall. When I heard a tiny laugh in a deep voice that is when I jumped back and my cheeks heated a little bit.

"Well, I can check that off of my bucket list, being groped by a stranger in the dark." The deep voice spoke to me even though I had no clue where he was anymore in the dark. When I heard his footsteps that's when I realized he was closer than I thought.

His finger swiped over my cheek where the blood was rushing to it and it made me jump out of my skin. Although I didn't know who or what supernatural it was, I could make a guess based on him being able to see in the dark.

Before I could ask him any questions he was off with one last chuckle and word.

"Try to be careful around here, my love. Not everyone is as forgiving with your kind." If it wasn't dark, I was almost sure I would see a huge spread fang smile on his face. Shivers went down my spine at his use of "my love" at me, I had thought all the supernaturals here hated me.

Shaking off the odd meet and greet, I made my way back to my room and flopped on the bed. Sleep was coming for me at a fast pace and I wasn't going to fight it tonight. Anything else could be dealt with in the morning and with that sleep finally found me.

edited 1/8/22

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