17: the beginning of the end

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"Now Miss Kerra, I'm sure you have many questions." He takes a dramatic pause, waiting to see what happens. He sucks in a huge breath and starts to stand.

"Let me introduce myself and perhaps we can get on with it, yes?"

He stands from the chair in front of me, I can see the guards beside me tense, waiting for the strike. As my face is still bruising and swollen, I try not to use too much of my energy fighting them currently as I am not sure what is happening around me.

"Greetings, Miss Kerra." He bows slightly. "May I introduce myself, I am King Sullivan IV, the current ruler of the Underworld. King of Spirits." He almost seems smug until I burst out in laughter at the poor guy.

My laugh is deep and amusing. Great, I've been abducted by a drug lord. He doesn't seem amused by my laughter, instead angry at it. For the first time, I can see the anger on his face and feel it when he slaps my other cheek.

I spit out the spit that piles into my mouth at the violent attack and sees blood accompanying it. I see now that he isn't one to mess with. I turn my head back to him and send my furry-filled face to me, face set hard on murder.

When I look back at him, however, he is running his hands through his hair and fixing his jacket. A look of almost remorse is seen in his eyes, a stark contrast to my own. He shots his hand out, running it down my now swollen cheek muttering sweet nothings to me as if he truly was remorseful.

"Now, now, Miss Kerra, please do not get on my temper. I may be kind to you know but there is no telling what I will do if you continue to poke the bear." He continues to stroke my cheek and it's all that I can do to keep the bile down and stay quiet. It won't do me any favors to speak back at this point.

"As I was saying, I am the King of the Spirits and I have brought you here for one special job." Another dramatic pause, makes me want to lose my mind. My thoughts drift back to my guys, my parents but not before being dragged back to reality. He continues stroking my cheek as he goes on with what he was saying.

"You my darling, have amazing power. One not seen in a long, long time and I plan to act on that. You have been brought here to become my wife." My eyes widen in shock, a laugh on the tip of my tongue.

"How could I pass on such a beauty. But do not worry I have everything taken care of. Sooner or later you will be released from the clutches of those three idiotic men and you can stay here freely without worry. I've already sent my best to deal with them."

Anger boils through my body at the way he carelessly dismissed them. This time I do strike, jumping from my chair and running at him. He takes a step back, and I trip over something tugging me. From behind, I can see one of the bodyguards has tugged me back and tried to take out my ankles.

Getting back up I fight the bodyguards with the little strength I have and spit vile words at this so-called king.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH THEM, YOU PSYCHOPATH! YOU FUCKING IDIOT I WILL KILL YOU!" The words fly through my mouth before I can even react to them. Anger blinds me at the idea of them even having a scratch.

The floor starts to shake as I can feel my anger continue further and further. The grip the guards have on me is loosened for a second as they look around and see what is happening. I use this as my time to strike.



I blow a piece of fluffy blue hair out of my face, anger etched on my face. A loud sigh leaves my face as I look down at the mess I'll have to clean up. Blood all over my face, hands, and clothes causes a louder, dramatic sigh to leave my mouth.

I watch as the others clean up the dead bodies, although they were already dead, they still seemed to bleed oddly enough. I perk my head up with an idea, maybe I can experiment with them. The thought doesn't last long as Elliot smacks the back of my head like he knows what I was thinking of.

Anger returns back to my face as I scowl at him. I just sigh again and start to help pick up the bodies. A whole army was sent here for us, letting us know just how bad we are in here. Just as we were about to cross the portal, we were ambushed.

We clean up quickly thanks to my magic however and start back the way we were going. Looking back and making sure we have all that we need, I grab the knife on the side of my belt and nod back to Bentley and Elliot.

They nod back and we start on your journey. The portal spits us out at an old ruined temple in the woods. We just observe our surroundings and grab our weapons, we aren't stupid enough to think they won't be expecting us.

As soon as we get our barrings to us, we can feel the ground shake and rumble. The energy felt is so familiar and warm. I whip my head around to where the energy is coming from and shock is jolting through my body.

The energy coming from the castle can be briefly seen in the distance. Large pieces of castle, rocks, and trees can be seen floating around. Although it is night here, you can see the purple clouds gathering in the distance.

It doesn't take much to understand what is happening in that castle. A proud smirk is on my face before I realize it, my heart warming at the sight of what our girl can do. I let the moment distract me till I can hear Gaia yell.

"A heads up guys! We are surrounded." She reaches for her own dagger and we take our positions.

I can feel my blood spike, joy flooding through my body at the looks of a great fight ahead of us. And with the knowing that Kerra is fighting her best, I can feel that blood flow faster and harder. I make a mental note to fight her later when we get back, whether in the dirt or sheets.

My cheeky smile returns before I give the last word before the battle before us.

"Remember, no dying! We have a score to settle with her" And then we charge forward to the hundreds of undead. 

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