14: Missing

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A long, loud bang is what woke me up next. With hazy eyes I could see a figure in front of me, the one who is making this noise by the sounds of it. I can't see him but I can hear the words he spits at me with bile.

"Eat up whore. This is one of the only meals you'll get". Crawling my way over, my body seems to be working better than before. With no light in sight I look down at the food given to me and notice it's some type of soup. Well soup would be too nice to describe this.

The 'soup' is really just a watered down broth with a scrap of bread on the side. I slurp it down either way, a slimy feeling, knowing I will need something to keep myself going. Slinking back to a corner I look over the details of where I am.

The last time I remember is reading that book. The words are hazy in my mind making it hard to remember. The guards are seen to be pacing back and forth in front of my cell. They don't try to talk to me, something  I am grateful for. Although I wish I could do something, with three of the walls around me being made of stone and no window all I can do is observe.

For hours I was left alone, no one talked to me and I didn't talk to them. They did give me some stares that make me thankful there is a metal gate bar between us. All of a sudden though they all stood straight up and looked forward. I could hear some footsteps, but they were very faint, all I could hear was one person.

As the footsteps grew louder, a man in his 70s approached the metal gate. He looked me up and down and tisked at me. Apparently after being kidnapped and called a whore, I'm not up to his standards. Funny.

"Alright, let's get you out of here. We have much to talk about Kerra". At his words, guards started to open up the gate and two came in. I tried to fight back, scratching and kicking at the two. They didn't find this amusing, the one punched me right in the left cheek. I could taste the blood in my mouth as his grip became tighter.

I didn't try to fight them back anymore in case they tried to go a step further with their violence. So in silence we all walked out of my cell and down a hall, unknown to me where we were going.

Elliot POV:

The room was awfully quiet, quiet enough to make me question it. Looking around, I could see that Ben was drawn into all the books he was reading, his glasses slipping off his face every once in a while. Ryder you could hear snoring on the couch, a book on top of his head.

I shake my head and stand up to look for Kerra. At a quick glance, she was near us in the library, so I decided to take a little walk into the kitchen. Smiling to myself, I remember how she likes to sneak snacks when no one is looking, or so she thinks so.
I always seem to catch her in those moments, looking beautiful as always. After living for so long, I didn't think I would get this chance.

Rounding the corner I'm surprised when I didn't see her in the kitchen. The lights were on, but no one was around. A bit of panic set into my stomach, not knowing where she was making me panic. Running around the house, all the lights were off, and there was no proof she was in those rooms.

I rushed back into the library, the door slamming off the walls. Ryder jumped from his slumber with the book flying off his face. Bentley also seemed to jump a little at the loud noise. I could hear my breath flowing fast in and out of my lungs. If my heart worked it would be in over time.

With my obvious distress, Bentley was the first to talk to me. "What is wrong Elliot? You look like you saw a ghost". He put his book down and took his glasses off. I rub down my face trying to get my nerves calmed.

With my face in my hands I explain to them what's going on. "I can't find Kerra. I checked all around the kitchen and she's not there". I could hear the two of them jump from their spots. I sure the news had their heart pumping in fear.

As three big leaders, this is sometimes a common occurrence. People abducting the ones closest to us in hopes of getting under our skins to kill us. Although we knew this was a risk, we thought it would be fine since the three of us were here.

Bentley POV:

My heart was pounding, how could we lose her so easily. She was just here in the library next to us, her scent still floating through the air. I get up immediately and start smelling around to see if someone walked into our house or not.

Her scent flooded the house, she was here recently. There were no other scents in the house other than ours, meaning we are either dealing with a witch or the undead. Any other supernatural would have left a scent behind, even if it was very small I would have found it.

I could see Elliot pacing around, his face telling all his emotions. You could see the fear and anxiety that we were all feeling, Elliot just wasn't as good as me and Ryder at hiding it.

I couldn't show how fear was playing on my mind. I am a leader, and as a leader it's part of my duty to find her, and part of my duty as her mate to find her. I could already feel the warmth leaving the house at her being gone, even if it's only been a little while.

Going to the garage and hopping down two stairs at a time, I find Ryder tinkering with some of his potion and brewing items. The room is dark and cold, the perfect place for his studies. He seems focused, something not part of his personality.
I go to leave and see a large glowing explosion behind me. Turning around, Ryder is covered in neon pockets of whatever he made. He gives me a serious look and starts to run out of the room.

"Grab Elliot and make the room dark. I've got a way to see the past through some pixie dust I had been saving."

I didn't think twice and followed what he said. Kerra might know him as a loveable goofball but me and Elliot know he is a mad scientist. We're lucky he doesn't try stuff on us in our sleep, I guess we can thank Kerra for that. Her warm soft body seems to put to sleep even the most experienced insomniac.

I grabbed Elliot from his daze and we threw some blankets over the windows. We managed to cover up all the huge windows in time for Ryder to pour the pixie dust over the kitchen, the spot we all think she was last at

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