The Bachelor Party

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The day before Billy and Teddy's bonding the boys had a joint bachelor party, much the way we did all those years ago. We had planned to attend for a little while and leave before things started getting silly so they could let go without their parents cramping their style. We were acting as the babysitters for the kids anyway. Sarah and Paul had them for a few hours and then we'd come and swap out so they got to join in the fun.

They were celebrating in the feast hall which had been decorated so that rather than resembling the formal Asgardian dining room, it looked like a club back on Earth. Or at last, an Asgardian-themed club back on Earth. There was a bar set up on one side, and couches sat around the outside of the room with small tables. The middle of the room was set up as a dance floor and Loki had even enchanted a light to give off a mirror ball effect. Tony had set up a PA system and Eddie was acting as DJ for the night. Friends and family had been brought in from Earth, including Teddy's parents, and it was set to be a fun night.

When we arrived, Teddy and Billy were already decorated with the start of their Henhalda, and seeing the artwork up their arms and neck brought me right back to when I was lying on the bed and Katveil was painting me. Coincidentally, Katveil was there when we arrived, having a drink at the bar with Tommy.

I went and greeted the boys first, kissing each on the cheek, before running my thumb down Billy's neck where I could see the Henhalda poking up under the collar of his shirt.

"Mom, that tickles," Billy complained, flinching away from me.

I couldn't help but laugh but dropped my hands. "Seeing it just reminded me of when I was bonded. Who did the work?"

"Kat did," Billy said.

"She did?" I squeaked excitedly. "She did mine too!"

"I know," Billy said. "She told me. And let me tell you, it's pretty weird having your brother's girlfriend painting around your junk."

I couldn't help but snort. Teddy nudged him and laughed. "At least you don't have a tiny little old man doing it."

"I think it's amazing. Like things are going around full circle," I said, patting his shoulder. "And tomorrow you'll do your spirit walk and you'll be bonded forever."

"Yeah," Billy said, wrapping his arm around Teddy's waist and leaning up and kissing the taller man's cheek. "It's going to be so great."

I loved how much they loved each other and I knew that tomorrow I was going to be crying like a baby.

After I'd let them go talk to some of the other guests, I circulated a little, spending time catching up with Katveil and Tommy. They seemed so happy and in that new love period that was full of excitement and a list of firsts that still hadn't been met. Contrasting that with Billy and Teddy who had already met so many firsts but who were going to have a major one tomorrow, and even me and my chosen people, who had done so much together but kept finding new things out - it was gorgeous to see and made me feel happy deep down into my core.

It was Bruce, Wanda, and I who left the party first. Me for breastfeeding reasons - Bruce and Wanda because parties still weren't really their thing. When we arrived back at our chambers Rose and Paul barely waited for us to settle in before taking off, happy to have a night off from the kids. Zak, Piper, and Flynn were already in bed, the spare room having been turned into a blanket fort and all three were snuggled inside with a big pile of stuffed animals. Ziggy and Anna were still up but looking very sleepy. Completely ready for bed, but waiting for their grandpa Bruce to read them a bedtime story. I kissed them goodnight and went into the nursery with Wanda to feed the twins.

"Tomorrow is going to be so wonderful," Wanda said as she helped me get them both in a comfortable position to feed them. "We'll have all the little ones here when we wake up and then when everyone's dressed and ready we'll go down to watch our son bond with his soul mate."

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