A Long Night

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It had been a rough night. Nova had been upset about something and was almost inconsolable. He wouldn't sleep and if we put him down he'd start wailing. Not that he wasn't crying when we held him, but at least we could get it under control. We had both the healers, Sam, and Bruce check him over and there was nothing obviously wrong with him, so it was put down to colic.

The problem was that because he was a twin if he was crying so was Thour. We ended up deciding to split up. Bucky and I went with Nova, planning on taking turns soothing him overnight. While the rest got their sleep. We figured that a change over in the morning would be the closest thing we could do to all getting decently rested.

Bucky and I took turns carrying him around the room while the other dozed. When Thour woke for her two AM feed I tried feeding Nova too, but he was fussy and couldn't stay focused.

Because Nova was unsettled, Inky was restless and snappy. He followed us around as we paced so we had to be careful not to step on him and if we tried to move him away from Nova he'd growl and nip at us. It was frustrating, to say the least.

At around four, I had started to doze on the couch and Bucky lay down beside me with Nova on his chest. Inky curled up at Nova's feet right on Bucky's stomach and I had just enough awareness to acknowledge how cute they looked before I fell asleep. The next thing I was vaguely aware of was being held in Steve's arms and the sun coming through the window.

I don't know how long I slept after that but when I woke up properly I was in bed with Bucky, my stomach grumbling and my breasts achingly full.

Bucky's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. "Hey," he said, his voice gravelly with sleep.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"I still don't understand how they measure time here," Bucky answered. "Also, I have no idea. I think Nova fell asleep on me. And then I woke up with Wanda taking him and Thor carried me to bed. Made me feel really tiny."

I snorted. "I bet you looked super cute."

"I always look super cute," he said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close.

I nuzzled into his neck, and despite the fact that I was still ridiculously tired, I felt like I needed to get up and eat and try and track down the babies to feed them.

"We should get up," I mumbled into his skin.

"No..." he whined and ran his hands down to my ass. The temperature difference between his metal and flesh hand was startling and my butt clenched. "Stay here with me. I'll make it worth your while..."

"Oh, will you now?" I teased, hooking my leg over his hip. "How will you do that?"

He chuckled and rolled so he was on top of me. "Oh, I think I can find a way."

I spread my legs, welcoming him between them and he nestled down, bringing his lips to mine. As we kissed, slowly and deeply, I began to run my fingers through his hair and over his scalp. He made a low rumble sound against my lips and he pulled back and looked down at me. "What are you smiling about?"

"Making out with a hot guy," I said.

"Yeah, you are," he chuckled and kissed me again.

I ran my hands down the back of his neck and over his shoulders. He groaned and rolled his hips against me. His cock started hardening against my cunt and he ground it down against my cunt.

He kissed my neck slowly, sucking on my skin hard enough to mark. "Bucky," I hummed, tugging on his hair. "Why are you giving me hickeys?"

"You love hickeys," he murmured against my neck.

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