Ups and Downs

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My good day was followed by a bad one. It was a bit like having a crash after a high. I was low and lethargic and even though I knew I needed to get moving, I was struggling to make it happen.

I lay in bed with the twins in the late morning, curled on my side as I fed them. I was wearing a simple sleep gown that was open at the front, and nothing else because I didn't have the energy to do the full Asgardian dress. Nova had already fallen asleep and Inky was curled into his side, his three tails curled over Nova's belly. Thour was still feeding, though her eyes were closed. Her fist was bunched into Icy's blue fur. I worried about them being so close to each other. Babies tend to grip hard and pull hair or scratch and poke eyes without meaning to. They don't have enough control of their gross motor functions to do anything intentionally let alone genty and I worried that one day they'd hurt the vulparev and whatever Loki had said about them defending themselves would come into play in the worst way possible.

However, Loki had assured us all that they would be fine. They were the twins' guardians and they would die before hurting them. While Loki wasn't always trustworthy, I knew that with this, I could trust them.

Steve stepped around the outside of the mattress and lifted Nova. Inky made an annoyed chittering sound and got up, arching his back.

"Alright, alright," Steve said, picking the vulparev up too. "I'm just taking him to his bed."

I laughed softly and watched as Steve carried Nova and Inky down the steps of the bed. I closed my eyes and took slow deep breaths trying to clear my mind. I felt Bucky approach and the mattress dipped beside me as he lay down opposite me. The cool caress of his metal fingers traveled down my cheek and I opened my eyes. "You falling asleep?" he asked softly.

I shook my head. "No."

"This one is," he said, tickling the side of Thour's cheek. Her mouth fell open and her head fell back. I smiled a little. "Eating in her sleep."

Steve appeared at the stairs again and looked over at us. "Two down?"

"Mm-hmm..." I hummed.

He came over, this time scooping Thour and Icy up in one go. As he took them both back down the stairs I scooted closer to Bucky, who wrapped me in his arms and pressed his lips to the top of my head.

"Did you wear yourself out yesterday?" Bucky asked.

"Maybe. It felt good though," I said.

"The flying?"

"Yeah. And the sex," I answered.

Bucky pulled back and looked down at me. "You had sex and didn't invite me? That's rude."

I chuckled and cuddled back into him. "Grow some wings and you can come along next time."

"I'll get right on that," he snarked. He ran his hand up and down my arm. "Are you going to get up?"

"Mmm..." I hummed noncommittally.

"You going to just lay here?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Oh, Elly," he said, nuzzling into my hair. "Do you want me to pleasure you?" He whispered against my ear.

I bit back a laugh and nuzzled into his neck as I made that same noncommittal sound.

"Do you want me to not pleasure you?" He teased.

"I want you to not call it that," I said.

Bucky laughed and pulled me closer to him. "No? You don't like when your darling husband pleasures you?"

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