Seeing the Doctor

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Waking up the day following our welcome feast was difficult for most of us. Many were a little hungover but for me, I was just exhausted down to the core. Thanks to the very uncomfortably pregnant I hadn't slept well. I noticed every time someone got up to go to the bathroom. I noticed when Tony got up before the sun and went off to tinker the way he did when he was having trouble shutting off his mind. I noticed when Steve forced Sam out of bed to go on their run. And I noticed when Thor got up and dressed in his formal Asgardian wear to go speak with the council.

The rest got up in their own time until it was just me trying to get enough rest. I don't know how long I'd been there, but Bruce came in and kneeled beside me, his large hand caressing my back. "El," he said, gently.

I grumbled and pried my eyes open. "Mmm?"

"I know you're exhausted," he said gently. "But you need to see the healers today, and if you want a bath and to eat before that, you're going to have to get up."

"Not if you brought me breakfast in bed," I complained.

He smiled. "Is that what you want?"

"Mm no... I want to pee, the babies are kicking me in the bladder."

Bruce laughed loudly and lifted me like I was a doll. "Come on," he said. "They'll have breakfast waiting for you."

He set me down in the bathroom and filled the tub as I went and emptied my bladder. When I returned the bath was almost full and had a sweet fruity scent. Bruce had stripped off and when I removed my slip he helped me into the warm water.

"Yesterday took it out of you, didn't it?" He said as I relaxed down into the water. He shifted down in size and for a moment I wasn't sure what he was doing, but then he grabbed the soaps and oils the Asgardians used for their hair and waded over to me.

"Gonna wash my hair, B?" I asked.

"Need to make sure my wife is nice and relaxed," he said as he began to massage the soap into my hair.

I hummed and relaxed against him, closing my eyes. My scalp prickled under his gentle touch and I hummed and felt myself getting wet in ways that had nothing to do with the fact I was submerged in water.

"B?" I hummed, as he rinsed out my hair.

"Yes, El?" He asked.

"Why do I have to go to the healers if I have a doctor right here," I said.

"While I do have a Ph.D. in medical sciences, I never really had the practical patient care, El. I trust myself for small things, and developing medicines, but not for your full medical care," he explained.

"Doctor Banner," I said. "Are you sure? Maybe you should give me a once over before we go, just in case."

Bruce chuckled and blushed as he looked down at his hands. "You really are good at getting me all flustered, even still."

"I'm feeling all flush too, Doctor," I teased, taking his hand and pressing the back of it to my cheek.

"Are you now?" He said looking back up at me. "I guess I could give you a bit of an examination. What symptoms are you having?"

"My breasts are really sensitive," I said, biting my bottom lip.

He cupped my breasts and massaged them gently. I closed my eyes and hummed and he pinched my nipples and tugged on them. "How does that feel?" He asked.

"Good. Too good," I moaned.

"Hmm..." he hummed. "I wonder ... let me try something a little... unorthodox."

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