Natasha's Dungeon

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Edwin and Clarke visited for two more weeks and in that time Eddie managed to get the communications between Asgard and Earth up and running properly. We were all very glad about it. While we had agreed that moving here was the best option we didn't just want to sever all ties with home completely. Plus it brought us that little bit closer to Eddie and his partners moving here as well.

We all enjoyed having them here. Every dinner was a big family event and I spent as much time as I could with both Eddie and Clarke before they were to return home. All in all the visit had been really good for me in particular. I was feeling myself again and I was happy to be back.

There were tears when they left but I felt good knowing that it was easy for them to come when they wanted. We all soon fell back into a regular rhythm of study, family, and our duties as royalty. Of course, we all made time for fun too. We wanted the kids to all feel like this was home, not just responsibility, and we knew for ourselves too, that we needed to take time to enjoy each other and the things we loved.

A couple of days after Clarke and Eddie had left Natasha had brought me a list of things she was willing to try out with me in the role of her submissive. We went through the list and she explained what everything meant and how far she was willing to go with each one. I crossed out the ones I didn't like the sounds of, circled the ones that I really liked the sounds of, and if there was anything that I was interested in with amendments we adjusted them. She then took the list away and didn't bring it up for a couple of weeks.

The next time she came to me I was just feeding the twins. It was just me, her, Sam, Tony, Clint, and the babies. Steve, Bucky, and Wanda had taken Zak out to play in the garden, Marya was in class, and Bruce was at his very first council meeting with Thor. "Elly," she said, taking a seat next to me. "I was thinking that if you wanted to come to my dungeon, today might be a good day."

I looked up a little surprised. "I definitely do, but..." I looked down at the suckling infants.

"I'd need about an hour to set up," she said. "So if I go now, they'll just be going off to sleep by the time you'll need to get ready."

"An hour?" I asked, a little surprised. "What do you have planned?"

"At least an hour. Do you want me to go through it with you or have it be a surprise?" Natasha asked. "It will just be from the list we talked about."

I thought it over. Tony was tinkering with a small bot on the chair over from me and he looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"A surprise," I decided.

Natasha looked over at Clint. "You up for a session, ptichka?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said.

"In about half an hour or so I want you to help Elly get ready. Full face. You need to be naked. Elise, -" she looked at me again. "I'd prefer you to be naked but if you want to keep your bra on, I won't punish you for it." The stipulation was there because of the fact I was still breastfeeding and my breasts had a tendency to leak. It could be embarrassing and while I knew it didn't bother her, I still tended to feel self-conscious about it.

"Okay, Nat," Clint said.

"I can do that. What if it takes longer because of the babies?" I asked.

"I won't punish you for being late. It'll just give me more time to adjust. But don't dawdle," she said and got up and kissed my temple. "Sam, Tony, I might need help."

"Alright, I'll bite," Tony said, getting up.

"How are your nails?" Natasha asked.

"Like you have to ask," Tony replied, showing her his perfectly manicured hands.

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