The Secret Room

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While Edwin, Rory, and Lyra all settled into palace life the rest of us returned to our new normal.

A normal that still included a reward for Clint and me from Steve for completing his sexual challenge a few weeks ago.

Natasha and Steve had challenged me and Clint to have sex five times around the palace within three hours. Each time at least one of us had to have an orgasm, it had to be in a different room each time, and if anyone walked in on us without first consenting to it, we automatically lost.

We'd managed to complete the challenge and I'd already claimed one prize that had involved a heavy BDSM session with Natasha and Steve both acting as my dom/mes. Now Steve was leading us down to a part of the palace I'd never been before."Where exactly are you taking us?" I asked as I looked around the increasingly darkening halls.

"You'll see," Steve said.

Steve was carrying a bag with him but I took his hand and tugged on it. "I don't know if I want to have sex in an actual dungeon, you know. That might kill the mood for me."

He chuckled. "I'm not taking you to a dungeon." He stopped walking and looked me in the eye. "Elly, it's me. You can trust me, sweetheart."

"Yes. Right. Sorry," I said, and Clint began to laugh.

We reached a large ornate trefoil-shaped door made of heavy timber and painted white with gilded accents. A guard stood in front of it and he bowed and opened the door. We followed Steve through.

The room we entered was lit with soft golden light, and sheer red curtains hung around the edge of the room and separated this room from more on each side. There was a bar in one corner of the room and four large circular sitting areas that looked like a cross between beds and couches. Some fabric that matched the curtains hung from various points on the ceiling and reminded me of aerial silks.

I guess I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of that, because Clint grabbed hold of some, wrapped them around one foot, and then pulled himself up off the ground as he lunged forward. "Cool," he said, and then began climbing higher up on the silks.

"This is where the palace holds orgies," Steve said as he watched Clint begin a routine in the silks above our heads.

Sometimes Clint would do something so casually that was so sexy and so unexpected it was like being slapped in the face.

"What do you mean this is where the palace holds orgies," I said. "The palace holds orgies?"

"Is that really a surprise?" Steve teased, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me so my back was flush against his chest. He tossed the bag onto the closest couch and began to kiss my neck.

"Why haven't I been invited to an orgy?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've never been invited either," Clint said, as he flipped upside down and hovered in front of Steve's face.

Steve smiled, and leaned in and kissed him slowly. When they broke apart, Clint flipped back up in the air again and returned to his routine.

"Because some of us aren't really orgies with strangers types. Thor decided that it would be better if he just didn't bring it up. We've technically only been on the planet while one was held," Steve explained. "And they're something that Loki attends. And apparently, Riley and Pietro have gone to some too."

"What?!" Clint yelped and rolled suddenly down the silks to the ground. "My kids are going to orgies!"

"We're going to be sex-positive, honey," Steve said, rubbing Clint's arm. "They're adults and they aren't doing anything that most of us haven't also done."

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