Dress Design

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With the coronation approaching there were a few things we needed to organize. We were coached through our roles in the ceremony, though those roles were mostly just to look pretty and smile while our husband accepted the role of King of Asgard. So because we needed to look pretty, what we were going to wear once again was playing a large part of it.

Everyone came to our chambers to speak to the tailors and go through racks of clothing to both find something that they liked and was unique and showed their royal status.

Loki was once again playing a large part in helping us decide what exactly we wanted to wear. Even though they always acted like it really annoyed them that they had to help all of us, because we were so useless, it was pretty clear they were in their element.

"Do you ever think that if you weren't royalty, you'd have ended up in fashion designer, Loki?" I asked as he sketched up a design for Natasha.

"Perhaps," he said, without looking up. "Though I like this part and the finished product, I do not enjoy anything in between in between."

"What about this fabric, Marya?" Wanda said, holding up something in a dark blue.

"I want to wear green and black," Marya said. "Like Uncle Loki."

Loki smiled but didn't acknowledge the remark in any other way. He turned to Natasha and brushed off his sketch. "Like this?"

Natasha looked over his shoulder. "Maybe if that piece wrapped around the arm a little more," Natasha said pointing to the sketch.

Loki considered it for a moment and nodded, erasing part of the sketch and drawing something new. Natasha smiled. "Yes, I like that. Thank you."

"Okay, take it and the fabrics you like to the tailor," Loki said, tearing it off and handing it to Natasha. She took it and a pile of fabric and went over to where two tailor's were taking measurements of Riley.

"Now, precious," Loki said, looking over at Marya. "What can I do for you?"

"Not a dress," Marya said.

"Mm-hmm..." Loki said, tapping his charcoal on the parchment. "Something feminine or masculine?"

Marya furrowed her brow and shook her head. "Not particularly either."

"Androgynous then," he said and began to sketch. "Are you okay with a cape or cloak?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Marya said, moving closer to her uncle and looking over his shoulder as he sketched.

"Daj," Rose said, stepping out from behind a screen the tailors had set up. She had on a gown that had strips of elaborate gold embroidery running down the soft floaty champagne skirts, and a bodice that resembled two golden wings that opened up from her midsection, over her breasts, and around her arms. "I kinda like this one. What do you think?"

"Off the rack, Rosie?" Tony teased. "Have I taught you nothing?"

"Shush, you," Rose said, sticking out her tongue at him.

Wanda got up and approached her, straightening out her skirts. "I think Sam is going to love these wings."

Sam looked over from where he was looking through different styles of tunic. "Taking after your ol' dad are you?"

"Which one?" She teased.

"You look beautiful," Wanda said, waving one of the tailors over to start pinning the material. "Are you happy with it as it is? They can change things."

"No. I like how it is now. Mama, what do you think?" Rose said.

"I love it, ptichka," Natasha said. "You can wear gold wings in your hair too. It will be a nice way to honor Thor and Angela."

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