Then the wolf ran his massive hands over the woman's body, from her waist to her shoulders, and finally, with the utmost gentleness and care, he was able to grasp her hands. He slowly took the wooden spoon from her small hands and began to brush his rough fingers against her smooth fingers.

The woman quietly let the air out of her lungs and rested her head against the man's strong chest. He then kissed the top of her head and a slight shiver ran through his body. He turned Olga to his side and holding her hands looked into her beautiful eyes.

- You don't even know how glad I am that I finally woke up. - He said while watching his beloved's face.

- Nothing would happen if you wanted to sleep a little longer. - Olga replied quietly and calmly cuddling into the man. - You'll have to get back to your duties soon... you know. - She added the vixen while sending the man a sad smile.

- What if I took a... shall we say, a day off? - The man suggested, smiling crookedly at his wife. - Just me and you and...

Then the wolf looked through the wide-open door of his house. He looked at a stream flowing in the distance bathed in an unnaturally bright sunlight. He saw mountains, green fruit trees, long grass, and green meadows. The land he called home.

The man then let go of one of the woman's hands, but kept the other in his grasp. He then took one step towards the open door, but when he felt resistance from his beloved, he stopped. Then the wolf looked at her with a sad look.

- There is only one feeling more powerful than love for another person. - The woman said in a sad voice. - A feeling that not even the gods can give. The love of a parent for a child. - She said, and then became visibly sad. - I know that if you see him, you won't want to go back.

- I don't want to go back. - The wolf replied without a second thought. - Please... I have waited so long for this. Let me see him. I miss him so much... so much... - Rainer added in a breaking voice.

- I know. - The woman replied gravely. - Sit down dear. You know we need to talk.

Rainer reluctantly looked at one of the stools situated next to a small table. Nevertheless, without letting go of the woman's hand, he pulled out one chair for himself and the other for his beloved. Then, looking into each other's eyes, they sat down and looked at each other in silence for a while. Soon Rainer looked around the brightly lit room. He looked at the wooden beams, the wooden floors, and the furniture. He looked at Ethelwulf's bed, placed right next to the window of their small house.

- Are you a ghost or a dream, Olga? - The man finally asked, turning his head towards his beloved again.

- Who says I can't be both? - She replied with a slight smile on her face.

- I could then determine if I had already died.

- Not yet. It depends only on you now.

- If it's up to me then... I want to stay with you. - The man said confidently and calmly. - To see you is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me since... - Now Rainer suspended his voice in a surge of uncertainty.

- I know everything dearest. Don't be afraid. - Olga put her hand on the man's cheek. - Everyone should have a soul mate. Someone you can take care of and who wants to take care of you. Especially if that someone, crushes the stone of envy and anger from your pure heart. Everyone deserves to feel what you are feeling right now.

The man then felt a tightness in his throat and his eyes moistened. As a bitter tear began to flow from his eyelid, Rainer continued to smile toward his wife. She gently and reassuringly wiped the tear from his cheek with her thumb.

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