Training Dummies

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"Would you prefer I kill you?"
Alter ego Izuku said, having taken control of Izuku's body.
His eyes glowed their heterochromatic colors through Izuku's regular emerald green eyes.

Dabi said shaken up a bit.

"Then doing what I requested shouldn't be a lot."
He said with a sinister smile as he patted Dabi's shoulder.

"But how would I find you...?
The forest is huge and it's not like you stay in one place everytime..."
Dabi asked as he looked around.

"No no.
I do."
Izuku said as he regained control.
"You see that cave?"
Izuku pointed to the large ominous cave that looked to be a couple hundred feet away.

Dabi squinted his eyes, "yeah...?"

"I'm always around this area.
And if you still can't find me, writ everything you've gathered and leave it as a note on that cave.
Is that simple enough?"

"How am I going to find it??
It's not like it's visible from the start of the forest??"

"Leave some kind of mark.
You have fire as a quirk and these trees leave burns.
Mark some trees discreetly so you'll find your way through, simple."

"...I guess I have no excuse then..."
Dabi sighed as he gave up.

Now I'll send you through the forest straight out.
You leave a mark at the first tree by the boarder.
From there just walk straight and you'll eventually run into this cave."

Dabi was cut off when Izuku shot him out the forest.


An emergency meeting was immediately held due to issue with the sword.
The queen who had to come on short notice
The Duke.

"What operation shall we follow?"
The Duke asked as he glanced at AFO who seemed to be a bit tense and stressed from the situation.

"The sword is an absolute necessity for the ruler to have.
We have to retrieve it.
It's been concluded that the empire's brat is living within the forest of the beasts so we shall search through there.
We will send out the Nomu to aid the knights in search."
AFO declared.

"But the forest of the beasts is known for how many people it kills...
If you go in there there's a chance of no return.
Won't too many die?"
The Duke asked in concern.

"The Nomu are stronger than the beasts, I made sure of it.
They're resistant to all poisons in the forest and have a physical ability above that of the strongest beast in the forest.

They also don't need to eat or sleep.
They're the kingdom's strongest asset.
The knights shouldn't die with the Nomu with them."


"When are you going to take over the empire?"
The queen asked a bit bored as she played with her long white hair.

As soon as we kill the brat and take the sword back we'll strike the empire first and kill them.
With nothing left of the Empiral family and only us to reign, the people there won't have a choice but to succumb to our rule"
AFO replied.

"I'll look forward to it then."

"So we'll deploy the Nomu with the knights to search through the forest of the beasts?"



It didn't take long for the order to take action. It took 2 weeks of preparation but after that, they were all deployed into the forest.
Izuku was quickly able to notice the Nomu and knights searching through the forest and battling all the beasts that came to attack.

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