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"Are you okay?"
He asked.

Katsuki had yet to walk in for the class yet, Izuku had arrived just a tad bit earlier than usual.
He originally wanted to skip the class entirely but he knew if he did he'd only be proving his father right.

Izuku looked to the ground, not knowing how to reply.

Aizawa scanned him up and down, he began to notice some things...
"... he's noticeably frail..? Has he not been eating his meals? I heard some servants bring up how he lost his palace and was moved to the main palace...
But why? He's been an exemplary student? And I know how he is, he doesn't act out on purpose like his brother.

Why are his arms noticeably bruised as well...?

Isn't he the crown prince, this obvious mistreatment isn't befitting for someone of his status...

What is going on...?"
His mouth had widened just a bit when he noticed how unkempt izuku had also been.

His hair was a mess, his clothes were noticeably dirty, he had eye bags beneath his eyes...

The servants of the house would typically prevent this from ever happening...

"I'm sorry Aizawa sensei, it's nothing"
Izuku lifted up his head and forced a smile.

That's an obvious lie.

I'll talk with him after class..."

"I'm here you peasants!"
Katsuki announced with an arrogant grin as he walked in.
His hair was dazzling, especially in the sun, his clothes were so clean that the smell of cleanliness leached through the air, his skin had been as fine as silk.

He was the complete opposite of Izuku.

"Your highness it is highly disrespectful to call your brother, the crown prince, a *peasant*"
Aizawa said as he handed Katsuki and Izuku their swords.

"That Deku would be lucky if he even had the status of a peasant"
Katsuki sneered as he held his sword.

"What do you mean by that? Care to elaborate?"
Aizawa asked as he glanced at Izuku who's condition looked to be worsening by the second.

"I don't have to elaborate to someone like you.
You're just here to teach me so let's get this over with"
Katsuki hissed.

Aizawa sighed as he began the lesson.

During the lesson he noticed how mean Katsuki was towards Izuku, how there wasn't any sign of respect, how he made sure to hurt him as much as possible...

Katsuki had made it so obvious that it was difficult to not notice.

After class was over, Aizawa held Izuku back as Katsuki left.
"You're staying here."

"...huh..? Why...?"
Izuku whispered, in pain. Katsuki had delivered a horrible blow to his ribcage, he wouldn't be surprised if he had a couple broken ribs.

"Please listen to me your highness"

Izuku sat there as he watched Katsuki disappear from the scene.

From what I've noticed...
You're being horribly mistreated."


"Your highness.
It's impossible to not notice.

I don't know if you've noticed yourself but you're insanely frail for someone of your age and stature.

You're also covered in bruises.

And you go completely silent when your brother appears onto scene as he pretty much berates you with insults and physical attacks.

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