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Izuku sat in the beasts forest, he had been leaned up on a tree surrounded by grass.
His sword rested by his side as he held the bag of things he stole from Tomura by his side.

After the 2 weeks of hardcore training against the beasts, defeating them with his quirk alone was easy.
Infact, he was one of the only people who could sit in the forest without a worry in mind.


To read the diary"
Izuku grinned as he pulled it out of the bag and began to read it.

"I've decided to start logging information I've gathered here.

Today I was given the most treasured item in the kingdom.
The sword of All for one.
Father says I'm still not strong enough to wield it properly and so it'll sit in my room until I can.

Since I am the successor of the throne, that sword is destined to belong to me."

Izuku yawned, "boring.
That's what he wrote on the first page?
When does this even date back to?"
His eyes glanced at the upper corner of the page, he noticed it actually dated back to a couple years ago.

"Huh. around 7-8 years ago.
How hasn't he filled up the entire diary...??"

Izuku flipped through the pages, he noticed some months tomura wouldn't write at all.
Infact, he stopped writing for an entire year before picking it up again and continuing where he left off.

"Oh this looks interesting"

"Some guy around the same age as me crossed the forest of the beasts from the empire.
We tried to kill him but he said he actually had information on the royal Duke.
He claimed his name to be 'Dabi' or something.
He has freakish purple skin that was held by staples on his face and arms. It was ugly.
Regardless, father decided he was interesting enough and gave him a place to stay in within the palace.
I don't like that."

"...information on the royal Duke...

Some guy who's name is Dabi...



That sounds oddly familiar.
But who...-"

"I think it's pretty obvious."

"You do...? I'm still not certain... He was declared as dead."

"And so were you. But here you are alive and well."

"You're right...

Do you really think it's him?"

"You're an idiot."

"There isn't even enough information...! For all we know this could be one of the servants within endeavor's palace"

"Check the date.
It's of the same week he was declared dead."

"...too much of a coincidence..."

"It's him."

"That would explain a decent amount of things...
Like why we never saw his body.

...what do I do...???
Visit him??
I was only close to him as a 7 year old.

And not even THAT close because Katsuki was closer."

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