{Chapter 11}

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3rd Person POV:

The following week Elijah had kept his promise of assigning less work to Maddox. After Maddox completes all his work each day of his internship he still ends up with time left meaning the boys get to talk to him. It was a slow process since the six boys only got to spend time together at the internship for about five hours total throughout the week and help of Sunday since Maddox had to use part of the day to do school work as to not fall behind. Even though it was a slow process, Maddox did start also sitting with them during lunch at school sometimes the following week. Within the following two months the boys got their brotherly relationship back.

When it was time for Maddox to start playing sports again Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis were his number one fans cheering him on at every event he had making it

It helped even more since some of his brothers were on the same teams as him making the bond they had even stronger than before. Liam started playing football on the school team with Maddox with Liam being a linebacker and Maddox being the wide receiver. Louis joined the soccer team with Maddox and became a powerful duo taking over the field together. During that time, the boys have fun together at Maddox's internship and on Sundays, Zayn and Maddox draw or paint together. Harry dances at a studio a few blocks away from the house and the rest of the boys go to the events he is part of. Maddox and Harry's special activity they have is baking. They love to bake different things or try new recipes together, helping them become closer. Niall and Maddox bonding activity is creating music. They use Maddox's home studio and teach each other to play the instruments. Niall teaches Maddox how to play guitar and piano while Maddox teaches Niall how to play drums and bass. The number one activity that all the boys did together was watch movies and play video games.

Maddox and the boys won multiple trophies and awards at the end of the sport season making both Sarah and Elijah proud of their boys. Maddox and Liam led the school's football team a state championship with a winning touchdown in the last ten seconds of the championship game. Louis and Maddox got the school their first soccer championship in over a decade. After the season ended all six boys had almost an entire month of no sport schedules before it is time for winter sports to start up. The only things that continues during that month Harry still has dance and Maddox still has Jiu Jitsu and his internship. During the time of having more open schedules all six boys' bond got stronger than ever. They spend time together at school, at the company, at the house, they even went to hang out at the mall together. They basically spent almost every minute of the day together.

When it was time for sports to start up again it was winter time. The only extra activities that Maddox did during winter time is the internship, snowboarding, and hockey meaning that the six siblings can still have lots of time together which all boys and both parents were happy about. Liam even asked Maddox if he can teach him to play hockey since he was interested in the sport. Maddox agreed of course and it turned out that Liam was a natural on the ice leading to him being added to the team for the season as a backup player. With Maddox and Liam on the same team like they were in football, they continued their strong bond through the seasons. Their bond got even better when a player got injured so Liam took his spot and the two brothers were sharing the ice together.

Louis felt a little left out since him and Maddox were on the soccer team together and now don't have anything special for just the two of them. Louis told Elijah and his mom how he was feeling about it since they saw that he was upset recently. Sarah just hugged Louis and soothed his worry about losing Maddox. Elijah sat next to Louis and explained to him that Maddox isn't ignoring him on purpose and Louis should tell Maddox how he is feeling because Maddox will do anything he can to make sure Louis doesn't feel left out. Once the small blue eyes teenager left he went straight to Maddox's room and knocked on his door. "Come in!" Maddox's voice was heard. Louis walked in to see Maddox sitting at his desk with textbooks and papers laid out in front of him. "Hey, can we talk about something?" Louis asked nervously. Maddox heard the tone of his older brother's voice and turned around to give the older boy his full attention.

Louis took that as a yes and just let out how he was feeling, "Well, I have been feeling a little left out lately. We use to play soccer together and now we don't have anything that is just for us to do, but Liam is now playing hockey with you so he had something with you for each season while I don't." Maddox thought about it for a minute and realized that Louis was right. The only time Maddox and Louis have been together was with one or more of the other boys around too. There has been no time for just the two of them. "You're right and I am so sorry for not spending one on one time with you like I have done with the rest of the boys recently. What do you suggest we do together? Do you have any ideas?" Maddox tells Louis. "We can go in the backyard to kick around the ball or play video games maybe? Or we can do something else." Louis offers. "How about we go outside to play with the ball for a bit then we can come inside to play video games in here? Then when one of us thinks of something else for us to do together than we can talk to each other about it. Ok?" Maddox asked the boy across from him. Louis agrees happily and the boys share a hug before separating to get their own jackets since it was a little chilly outside. Liam tried to say he wanted to play too but Maddox explained to him that he and Louis have not had time just the two of them together to do something. Liam understood what Maddox said and stayed inside with the rest of his brothers watching a movie. Elijah and Sarah on the other hand stood in the kitchen watching through the window as Maddox and Louis kick the soccer ball around and laugh with each other outside.

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