Chapter 3

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Maddox's POV:

The dinner started soon after my speedy entrance. "So, Maddox how has your day been? I heard about your run and workout along with your last-minute homework rush." Sarah questioned me, trying to start a conversation. "Well the lectures were so boring, I swear time stopped just to torture me. Soccer practice was basically just running stairs then kicking the ball at coach's head, I was successful in hitting my target three times before getting yelled at. Lacrosse ended with my side now bruised up, most likely have a messed-up rib or two and the internship was boring just paperwork, but I need to go into a meeting with Jeremy tomorrow. I think that is about it. Right?" I list off my day and then turned to my father to ask him to make sure I didn't forget anything that I was scheduled to do today.

"First, you better have not fallen asleep. I pay good money for your education. Second, stop torturing your soccer coach. Third, I'll get your personal doctor over here tomorrow for when you get home and finally make sure you wear a tie for the meeting." Dad listed off hitting all the points. "I got in on a scholarship, so you don't pay." I tell him with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay. All we have talked about is me and that is stupid. What about you Sarah? How was your day?" I asked Sarah, trying to get some of the attention of me. "It was good. The drive here was calm. Unpacking was done quickly, and just relaxed then cooked dinner with your dad. By the way thank you for giving up part of your floor for my sons" she listed off. "It's no problem at all for your sons to live on the top floor with me. The only thing that room was used for was random stuff I hadn't used for years. Plus, who would want to share a floor with the parents" I said, making a disgusted face about the parents' floor. My joke and my facial reaction made all five of Sarah's sons busted out laughing, the blond one even had water come out his nose from laughing so hard, which made everyone else even the parents at the table laugh harder than before.

I continued talking to both dad and Sarah with her sons, who I still don't know the names of, piped in occasionally. The dinner was going well until my phone alarm started going off. Once the sound of the alarm broke through the dining room making dad, Sarah, and I lose our smiles instantly. I stand up and walk away from the table, bag on my shoulders, making my way towards the front door. Dad followed behind me to the door, holding a large bottle of ice water, "You got all of your gear? Need a ride?" dad ask me as he handed me the water bottle he had made for me. "No, I'm good it's only 3 blocks. The walk will help me warm up a little bit before getting there" I tell dad with a smile on my face. I yell a quick bye to Sarah and the boys all yell out goodbyes of their own before the door closed and I started my way down the road, letting the street lights lead me.

3rd Person POV:

After Maddox leaves, Elijah sits back at the table with everyone else to continue eating. "Where was he going? Isn't it too dark for him to go walking around?" Liam, Sarah's oldest son, ask the parents. The rest of the boys nodding around along with what he said. "Maddox still has Jiu Jitsu practice tonight because he has an upcoming tournament on Thursday" Elijah tells them. "Does he do this every day?" Louis, Sarah's second oldest, ask Elijah. Earlier the boys heard about all the things he had today and none of them could imagine doing those activities every day. "No this is just his Monday schedule. Every day of the week is different. Hold on."

Elijah stands up from the table and came back minutes later with a large whiteboard. "Tomorrow is his internship and basketball. Wednesday is his Lacrosse game and football practice. Thursday is the jiu jitsu tournament and basketball game. Friday is football game. Saturday is his soccer game and Sunday is just a relax day where he can do whatever he wants. That is on top of his 4 am runs followed by lifting weights and homework before getting ready and going to school" Elijah tells the five boys Maddox extreme schedule. "That's a lot!" Niall, Sarah's youngest, says. "How can he possibly keep up?" Harry, Sarah's 2nd youngest, wondered with eyes wide. "He wakes up at WHAT TIME!?" Zayn, Sarah's middle child, yelled out.

"I have one question though. Are you going to make us do all of that stuff too?" Liam asked as the others looked scared once they realized that could happen. "No. I will not be making you do any of the things that Maddox does. I don't even force his to do these activities, he does them all himself because he wants to. You can do whatever you want and I will support all of you just like I support Maddox" Elijah told the boys to help put them at ease. All five boys collectively let out the breath they had been holding while Sarah smiled at her new husband and her sons getting along so well.

Elijah went on to ask the boys about what activities they did. Liam went first and told him he played football, Elijah let Liam know about upcoming tryouts for the football team next week so that he could have a chance to be on the team. Louis told Elijah about playing soccer, so Elijah let him know that soccer tryouts were also next week for the school's team and told Louis about the goal in the backyard so he can practice before the tryout which Louis was excited to be able practice without having to find a soccer field. Zayn said he was into art, Elijah told him how the school has art classes along with an art club where everyone's work is displayed. When it was Harry's turn Elijah was surprised to be told that Harry loves to dance, but Elijah hid his shock with a sincere smile and told him there is a dance academy only two blocks away so he can sign up tomorrow if he would like. Last but not least was Niall, he was interested in music so Elijah told him that band at school was always looking for new people and needed to ask the guidance counselor to put him in that class on his first day, Elijah also told Niall to ask Maddox if he could use his studio sometime.

Once all boys were given their advice about their activities and were happy there was something for each of them they said goodnight to head upstairs. All five boys did their night time routine before crawling into bed. Turning all Game of Thrones on, they all snuggle together under the covers and one by one fell asleep from the long day they had.

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