Chapter 4- Crossing Lines

Start from the beginning

"Have you ever heard of the ACG?" Chase asked, dodging the question,

"The who?"

"The Assault and..." Chase struggled to recall the full name, "control... something, I don't remember. But these military dogs are showing up all over Adventure Bay and we don't know why. They hurt Rocky and shut down one of our missions."

"What?" The Husky went wide-eyed, "Is he okay?"

"He's fine," Chase waved off, "but I know about the communication sites for rent on your mountain outpost. I know that tons of teams pass through your mountain to set up their radio towers."

Everest blinked, "how can you possibly know about that? That's classified information."

The Shepherd looked to the side in response, "I may have... bypassed a few of Ryder's locked files..."

"What?" The Husky Jolted in alarm, "Chase, you went behind his back??"

"Hey! I'm the leader of this team!" He retaliated, "it's my job to be in the know,"

"You should not have done that," Everest worried, "if Ryder finds out-"

"He won't. Now, are you going to help me or not?"

Everest flattened her ears for a moment, then sighed, "fine, what do you want?"

"Surely the ACG secured a tower up there?" Chase pressed, "if they're not from the city, they must've come long-distance. A comm site, a radio tower, satellite, was anything passed through there belonging to them?"

"Chase I can't just dip my paw into classified files," she countered, "unlike you, I keep in line."

"Damn it, Everest!" Chase snapped, "those dogs hurt Rocky, he's probably traumatized! As law enforcement, I need to know what I can to stop more pups from getting hurt!"

"Gaah! Fine!" Everest barked at the screen, "just calm down, sheesh!"

Chase watched Everest suddenly walk off-camera, and the tapping of keys and buttons could be heard. The Shepherd tapped his paw impatiently, counting the seconds being wasted. Why was she being so difficult? As law enforcement, he felt entirely responsible for the well-being of not just his own team, but the entirety of Adventure Bay.

"Okay here," Everest hopped back in front of the camera, holding a printed piece of paper in her mouth.

"What's that?" Chase asked, eyeing the paper,

"An agreement of construction," she explained, dropping the sheet in front of her, "everyone who builds on our site has to pay and sign one."

Chase leaned back and narrowed his eyes, seeking more information.

"The Assault and Containment Guild," Everest read, "they passed through a few days ago and set up a radio tower and some communication lines. Paid a couple hundred thousand, and the agreement was signed by a dog named Bella."

"Bella?" Chase repeated,

Everest shrugs, "I don't know if she was an officer, a supervisor, or a regular dog, but she left a contact number."

"What is it?" the Shepherd leaned forward,

"Chase, I don't know..."

"Everest, tell me," he growled,

After a short pause, the Husky sighed, "alright, get a pen and paper, I'll read it off."


The sun was shining brightly, as the moon was banished away to the other side of the planet to make way for its lovely day. After Chase's tense conversation with Everest, he collected a contact number that would prove to be very useful. He didn't know if Everest was going to get in trouble or not for disclosing such information, but there were more important things in play right now. Chase was casually walking down the sidewalk of Adventure Bay, passing through town. Any dog loved a good walk, and he was always happy for a good lap or two around the perimeter of the city, but today, Chase had a mission. Completely without uniform, donning only his collar and tag, he strolled his way to a pup cafe only a block away.

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