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Hello Fam :)

So, I have realized that I haven't made the Gryffindor's practice Quidditch even though James is the captain this year. So, here it is. :P

Happy Reading...

Sirius was sleeping when James poked him in the arm until he was awake before his Quidditch jersey was thrown on his face. "Padfoot, wake up. We have practice."

Sirius groaned. Whoever thought James being a Quidditch captain was a brilliant idea, was taking revenge against every Gryffindor. The boy was already obsessed with the game and him being a captain only pushed it to the extreme. "Jamie", he whined, letting his displeasure known, "can't I just bribe the captain and let me sleep for a few extra hours?"

James pulled him up. "I am your captain and if I let you sleep, the others would accuse me of playing favourites."

"But I am your favourite", said Sirius.

"I know. But they don't need to know about that."

Sirius grinned. "Trust me, Prongs. Everyone knows."

Get the hell out of the room or I am going to eat you two alive during the next moon.

They turned their heads and heard Moony's muffled voice from under his pile of blankets.

"Looks like Moony finished his book last night", muttered James.

Sirius nodded. Their resident werewolf would ignore his sleep until his book completes before going to sleep for hours. It's better not to antagonize him during this time. Silently, he took the jersey James offered before going to the washroom.


Sirius's heard James's heart doing somersaults when they spotted Lily Evans in the stands with her book open. James didn't give any reaction, the boy was holding himself back this year but his Jamie boy's heart was all his so Sirius knew everything going inside it. To prove him right, their Quidditch teammates even wolf-whistled but James glared them into silence. It wouldn't have worked until last year but as he said, since the start of this year, James was serious, without any pun, and it scared people to see the ever-grinning marauder in that state. Jay was normal with the marauders, even taking extra care of them, and Sirius knows the reason behind the change in Jay's attitude. He sighed. If this is what his family was doing to his best friend, he wouldn't regret killing all of them.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt someone pulling him close and glanced up to find James with that soft smile of his. "Whatever going inside your head, don't think about it, okay?"

"What do you even know about what's going inside my head?", he asked, defensively.

Jay chuckled, ruffling his hair. "I know the face you make when you are plotting murder of your family or something equally dramatic."

Sirius tried glaring at them but it was ruined by the grin that threatened on realizing how well his Jay knew him.

Merlin, are they going to romance instead of practicing? Come on, guys, if you are winning the Quidditch cup, we would have chance of winning the house cup.

The team turned around and found Lily smirking at them. The Gryffindors smiled at the prefect before waving at her.

"Evans, do you now realize what we have to endure all these years? They have been like this ever since Black joined the team as a beater."

The redhead shook her head sympathetically. "At least, you didn't see them before he joined the team. Imagine me taking every class with them?"

Their team laughed at her. It consists of people from all the years so, for some, the marauders were stories from when they were younger.

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