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Hello Fam :)

A/N: ditisha21 has come up with an idea about an online book club. We read some books and discuss them with other people who are interested. If you don't want to speak, you could always chat and join whenever you are free. There is no pressure but the further details, you can contact her. 

Happy Reading...

It was two days after the full moon and Remus was tired. Poppy had just cleared him but all he wanted was to sleep. Being a werewolf doesn't come with the luxury to skip classes more than he wanted to. Hence, he groaned and went to take a shower, hoping it would soothe his aching muscles.

An hour later, Remus really regretted not bunking the classes. James and Sirius were going overboard with everything and he wanted to just hide. But finally, it was in Transfiguration class when he had reached his limit.

Sirius had shrieked right in front of Professor McGonagall and James just followed. "Minnie, I am going to die", he said, falling out of his bench and onto his knees.

James stood up, kneeling beside him. "I am not letting you die, Sirius."

Sirius glanced at him with tears in his eyes. "My brother dearest", he screamed. "Name your child after my name. Farewell, brother. It was nice knowing you in this life. I will be reborn as your child."

James held Sirius's face in his hands. "Don't leave me, Sirius. I can't live without you."

Sirius grabbed one of James's hands. "Yes, you can Jamie. Think about me whenever you see the stars."

James sniffed. "I can't look at the stars without thinking about you. You are my brightest star."

"I love you too, Jamie", said Sirius, throwing his arms around the boy.

"Okay, that's enough", announced Professor McGonagall, finally losing patience with the two idiots as she reached the place where they both were both kneeling and hugging each other. "Sirius, you are not going to die just because you pricked your finger. And Potter, stop with the theatrics of your undying love for each other."

"But Minnie, it hurts", whined Sirius.

"And I can't see him hurt", whined James.

Professor McGonagall sighed and healed the wound with a flick of her wand. "All done? Now, detention you two?"

"What?", they screamed, with identical horror looks on their faces, reminding everyone why people say they were twins.

Professor McGonagall rubbed her forehead. "Detention. Meet me after dinner."

Remus groaned, hiding his face behind the book. "I haven't met these two ever in my whole life", he muttered. Beside him, Lily chuckled silently.


They were on their way to their DADA class when the third-year Slytherins were returning from the Astronomy class. It might be the theory class since it was during the day. Half of the class was practical which was conducted during the night. Sirius whistled at his brother, who had a frown on his face as soon as he noticed him. For a split second, the younger boy's eyes scanned all his friends before returning to Sirius again. "Hello there, baby Reg. What's up? Did you finally read about the not-so-important star that you were named after?"

Regulus glared at him before one of the boys beside him mentioned their next class. The frown on his head was slightly deeper as he gave one last glance to Sirius before leaving. It was weird and overall, Sirius wished he could find out what was bothering his brother but they hadn't had a decent talk in a really long time.

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