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Hello Fam :)

Happy Reading...

Sirius was cursing their DADA teacher. Non-verbally. As part of their 6th-year course, they had non-verbal spells and all the instruction the teacher had given was to say the spell within instead of out and imagine the incantation. As usual, he had paired up with James, who didn't have any problem casting the spells non-verbally. Sirius, on the other hand, couldn't even make a small lumos without his wand. Beside him, Remus and Lily were paired. Both of them were having the time of their lives. Sirius huffed and raised his hand. "Can you give me any helpful instructions?", he asked.

The teacher smiled at him. "I am damn sure the most famous Black heir knows more about this class than me. Don't hide your skills, Mr. Black."

The defense teachers either hated him because he was a Black and betrayed the Slytherin house being a Black and sorted into Gryffindor or hated him because he is a Black and has no business in Gryffindor. Half of them thought he would crack his head and start using the Dark Arts in the middle of the class.

Sirius would always roll his eyes and get on with his work because, by the end of the class, the teacher would either love him due to his exceptional defense skills or hate him because he is that good. Either way, it was fun. That is until now. Because the person this year was so infuriating. He couldn't decipher if was favoring him or mocking him. He ignored Sirius until Sirius would ask a doubt in the class and then instead of clarifying, he would say Sirius was just better than anyone in the class.

He was forced to laugh when he was hit by a mild tickling charm. "What?", he asked, laughing when in reality he wanted to punch James in his face.

James grinned. "Remember, all DADA Professors are idiots. Don't listen to him."

Sirius huffed before glaring at the teacher. Soon the class was over and on their way to their next class, James threw an arm over his shoulders and pulled him close. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I don't know, Prongs. Maybe I am rubbish at this whole defense thing because I am not a Black anymore. Why am I the only one who is rubbish at nonverbals?"

James ruffled his hair. "Just because you weren't good in one class doesn't mean you are rubbish. Some practice and you would get it. Also, what's up with the Black magic. You are a Potter, idiot. You have Potter family magic."

Sirius didn't believe him. Family magic is complicated. Just because James feels it, doesn't mean the magic would accept him like he is its own.

When Sirius didn't reply, he bumped their shoulders. "Hey, we would practice some more and then you could top the class. Also, ignore the idiot. If I am not wrong, he is a Slytherin."

They were startled when they heard a scream and turned to the next corridor where a boy was cowering on the floor held at the wand point of Bellatrix. The boy looks on the younger side, probably a first-year and from Ravenclaw. "Bellatrix", shouted James, dragging her attention from the boy to him. "What on Earth are you doing?"

Bellatrix cackled. "Saint Potter. What do you want me to do? Pray to Merlin."

"Bella, leave the boy alone", he warned.

"Why do you think I would listen to a blood traitor?", she said, before laughing at Sirius. "My favorite cousin. Have you fallen this low? You left a pureblood home to a blood traitor?"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "You would know all about blood, wouldn't you, Bella?"

"You would too when you finally come back to your senses and joins the dark lord."

Harry Potter: The MaraudersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora