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Hello Fam :)

Happy Reading...

Christmas eve saw the biggest party thrown by the Marauders in the Gryffindor common room. The holiday cheer was escalated by Sirius's happiness, which was pretty contagious, affecting almost everyone except his best friend James. He kept on nudging the boy to enjoy the last party of the year. Remus was indulged in having small talk with everyone in general. Right now, it was Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadows. Even Peter scored a dance with Mary McDonald. Overall it was a good party. Sirius sighed. If only he could make his best friend enjoy it.

"Prongs, chocolate frogs, or butterbeer, or every flavored beans, or-"

"My wand probably", said James interrupting Sirius.

"Why?", he asked, skeptically.

"I need to put a silencing charm on a certain someone who doesn't seem to shut up and of course also, seized my wand. Who else does that?"

"Who else other than Sirius Black", said Remus.

Sirius grinned at the prefect. "Aww, Moony, you seem to love me the most. Thank you."

Remus rolled his eyes. "James, you know you can use my wand for the time being?"

"No, he can't", yelled Sirius, pointing an accusing finger towards Remus. "That's cheating. He said he would do anything I tell him to if I win against him in the wizarding chess."

Remus slapped his finger. "Of course. But everyone knows you are hopeless at that game. Forget beating James, you can't even beat a five-year-old kid at that."

"Moony, I can", said Sirius, pouting.

"Sure, unless the kid is a muggleborn and has no idea what wizarding chess means."

"Why are you so good at arguments when you are never interested in picking up fights? Is there any chance I can borrow that super-smart brain of yours?"

Remus shook his head. "Please. This is my only savior and my body obviously won't support the extraordinary brain of Sirius Black."

Sirius huffed. "Glad. At least some part of mine is extraordinary. I will keep it with myself." He turned around and found James gone, a frown appearing on his head. "Where did he go?", he asked Peter.

The boy shrugged. "He slipped the moment you started arguing. Went towards the balcony. Asked me to tell you not to worry about him."

Remus sighed beside him. "You said he was fine."

Sirius crossed his arms, defensively. "Well, I half-lied. Which means, he is half-fine", he told and glanced towards the balcony. "I will go get him." He halted when he felt a hand stop him and saw it was Remus.

"Padfoot, maybe, he really needs some time to himself? Why don't we leave him alone for a few minutes?"

Sirius didn't feel it right but there was a point to Remus, as it always was. So he listened but not before letting the others know about his displeasure. He then turned around the hall and found their female prefect on the couch near the fireplace, reading a book, as if she has nothing to do with the world. He smirked inwardly before mustering a smile towards Remus. "Moony, would you take care of people here while I try to put some thoughts inside the brain of a certain redhead on how to enjoy on a Christmas Eve?"

Remus raised an eyebrow in question. "And I would suggest the idea is hazardous. She would hex you into pieces."

Sirius stood up, dusted his pants, and grinned at his friend. "And Sirius Black isn't afraid of being hexed."

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