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Hello Fam :)

Happy Reading...

A/N: As pointed out earlier, why didn't Marlene come to visit Sirius in the hospital wing I said I had the entire conversation playing in my head but missed putting it down, so here is the part. It's after Sirius comes to consciousness and James tells him about Regulus being there in the hospital wing. 

Sirius was jumping by the time James finished telling him everything about Regulus. He missed the idiot and wished they could go back to talking to each other.

After some time, Poppy came to give him a potion, scolding James to get down from the patient's bed. "I didn't hurt him. I was careful", protested James, even though he sat on the chair beside the bed.

Poppy just glared at him before turning to Sirius. "Sirius, you have visitors."

Lily was the first one to peek her head inside along with the girls. The redhead smiled seeing Sirius grin. "How are you feeling, Sirius?"

"As handsome as ever, Lily-bean", he said.

Lily rolled her eyes.

"Not bad, Black. You need attention and you got yourself admitted to the hospital wing?', teased Marlene, before throwing her hands around Sirius.

"A witch after my own heart. You know me so well, Mars", he said.

Just then Remus walked in, letting out a breath on seeing Sirius before pulling the boy into a light hug. "You feeling any better?"

"Yeah", he muttered.

Remus gave him a smile before dragging James aside for a moment, who was very reluctant to leave Sirius's side but then Lily sat on the chair vacated by James and Sirius saw there was a slight relief in Jay's eyes. Probably, trusting the redhead to watch over him, though, Sirius felt some tension between them. When the girls left to have their breakfast and Remus gave a final nod to James before pulling Sirius into another hug, the Potters arrived.

Dorea was quick to pull the boy into a hug. "How are feeling, kid? My poor child."

Sirius chuckled. He hasn't been a child in a long while but he thought it was rude to tell her that. "I am fine, Mrs. P. You didn't have to come all the way to here."

"Nonsense. You are my kid, you are injured. Why wouldn't I come?", she said.

"Also, your headmaster deserves a yelling for putting his students through this. You are fine but what if the damage was more long-lasting. His stupid sorry wouldn't bring my child back to me", said Charles.

"Honey, let it go. You had your share of yelling and Albus had taken care of it now."

"He should have taken care of it sooner."

Sirius glanced at James, who was busy avoiding Lily than registering what his dad had said. "You yelled at Professor Dumbledore?"

Charles realized what he said and when he found all the eyes on him, he crossed his arms defensively. "As far as I have heard, James did too. Why am I only blamed here?"

Sirius grinned. The Potters were brilliant and his. By the end of the day, some of the other people came to visit him from Gryffindor as well as other houses, bringing get well soon cards or honeydukes chocolates that by evening the table beside his head was overflowing. The marauders equally shared them.

Note: As I imagine, Marlene is not very good at expressing feelings. Neither is Sirius. I imagine this because of how the character ends up. :P

This is where the actual chapter starts from. :)

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