Your opinion?

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So, I have a few questions and since Harry Potter belongs to all of us, I would like your views on these questions. I will finally decide what suits the story of course but I need someone else's pov. I will keep on dropping the questions as I get them throughout the book. 

Before the questions, let me give you a brief plot of what follows. 

The storyline starts after James hexes Snape in their fifth year. According to books, Lily and James weren't together up until their seventh year, so I am guessing that happens after Sirius runs off to Potters. To give a proper family to Harry, there are no Horcruxes and shit. Voldemort is still a Dark Wizard without creating Horcruxes that are hard to find and destroy. I might invent a whole new curse to include the prophecy and threat to Potters. Let's deal with that later. So, no Horcruxes, hence no dying of Regulus uselessly. So, the first big question. 

1. What do you want me to do about Regulus? Of course, he is a death eater forced by family but he turned his back to Voldemort. So, do you want me to kill him? Or stay underground until the war is over, helping Sirius secretly and reinstate himself into the wizarding world? Help Sirius and then die at the end of the war? Based on your opinion I will include his character during their school. 

2. I feel Remus is good with Nymphadora. Hence, even though Sirius is her favorite cousin, Remus hardly meets her during the childhood so that it wouldn't be weird when they get married. What do you think about it?

3. Since Lily never dies, Snape redeems even if he is an idiot for most of the time. Lily has the power to bring him back to the light. And no, no love triangle. You can suggest any love interest for him or he will stay a bachelor forever. This will come at very much later so we have time for that. 

4. James parents names are Euphemia and Fleamont. Siriusly too long to type. Do you want me to keep using that or use Charles Potter and Dorea Potter (nee Black) a Black married into the pureblood Noble house of Potter?

5. No one has any say in this but no major character is dying here. Except one. Guess who? :P

Of course, the storyline isn't solid as of yet. I have a few scenes in my mind and I will think as we go along. Let me know. :)

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