Chapter 16: Chaos Continues...

Start from the beginning

She blasted her speakers at max volume towards Izuku's portal as it appeared suddenly in the sky and rained down on the villains in a widespread. They covered their ears and were brought to their knees from the force of Jiro's sound wave. Yaomomo took this opportunity to create noise-canceling headphones for herself as she rushed towards the noise-affected villains.

She started striking them with her bo staff one by one as none could withstand her blow with their guards down because of Jiro's constant deafening sound waves. Occasionaly, some villains would get up and attack her on her blind spot, but Izuku would always protect her as he redirects all of their attacks. Yaomomo often used Izuku's portal to her advantage as she slipped into one, appeared in the air, and landed a finishing blow on the remaining villain. Jiro stopped her speakers as Izuku closed the portals, seemingly defeating every villain in their area.

"We did it," Jiro said with disbelief in her tone as a smile made its way onto her face. "We won! A bunch of no-experience heroes-in-training high schoolers dished out some villain bastards!" She yelled out in a joyful tone.

"Yeah, we actually did it!" Izuku followed up as the two hugged each other tightly.

"Amazing job, everyone; we worked wonders together, don't we?" Yaomomo chuckled as she had a smile as well. "But, what should we do now?" She soon asked in a serious tone as the other started pondering on what their next move should be.

"Well, I think we should regroup with the rest back at the entrance," Izuku suggested as the other two agreed. "Well, since it's pretty far, we'll have to travel by taking a few stops."

"W-What do you mean, few stops?" Jiro asked in a slightly nervous tone.

"Oh, you'll see!" Izuku replied with a mischievous tone.

"THIS IS NOT JUST A FEW STOPS!" Jiro shouted in fear along with Yaomomo as they were up in the air while Izuku laughed loudly.

"IZUKUN!" Yaomomo yelled as they were getting near the ground Izuku placed another portal below them as they were back up in the air again.

By Izuku's words, a 'few stops' meant falling from the sky and being caught by his portals as they get back up in repeat as they get an inch closer to their destination. Izuku had a blast, used to the feeling of free-falling, but the two girls were having a not-so-fun time. They soon arrived at Central Plaza after Jiro threatened to kill Izuku if he didn't bring them down to the ground.

"Izuku, I'm going to kill you after this," Jiro threatened as she had her arms around her stomach to stop herself from throwing up as the boy awkwardly smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Let's just walk back to the entrance instead of-" Yaomomo was cut off after hearing a loud thump near them.

They ran towards the source of the as they hid behind in their surroundings. The trio soon widened their eyes at what caused that huge pounding on the ground. It was caused by a giant muscular mutant creature with an exposed brain and beak for a mouth. He was smashing their sensei's head repeatedly on the concrete floor. The horror on the three's expressions as they watch their sensei be beaten up into a pulp, face bloodied and arms twisted.

"Well, well, looks like this is the end for you, Eraserhead." The hand man said as the creature stomped on his arm.

"Shigaraki," The warp man appeared beside him to deliver some unwanted news. "I believe it's time to leave." The warp man said as the supposed man named 'Shigaraki' started scratching his neck out of irritation.

"Kurogiri, what happened? Tell me what happened." Shigaraki said with malice as his piercing eyes looked straight at Kurogiri.

"I was able to scatter half of the class, and the other half are still at the entrance. I believe that they won't flee since their teacher is wounded. But one of the students had a similar quirk to me, and he was able to transport someone to safety. That person might have already contacted U.A.," Kurogiri told Shigaraki as the other looked completely irritated and annoyed.

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