- He has a tendency to ignore everything for a bit. Lock himself away.
- Ignore everything and everyone.
- He never tells you when he's gonna do this.
- You're fully understanding though, life can be hard.
- They started happening on important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions) and you didn't mind to much still but did express a bit of hurt. (After it kept happening over and over again)
- He only responded with "well what do you want me to do about it?"


- we all know Frank has pretty bad self esteem
- He'll often say bad stuff about himself
- Which leads to you reassuring him none of it is true
- Which is fine at first
- Everyone needs reassurance!
- But it gets to a point that he'll say things like "I'm not as good as (insert friend) you should go and be with them"
- Which then leads to you leaving that friend
- It happens a lot
- You slowly realize you pushed away a lot of people
- When you try to stop pushing them away and bring them back in he'll immediately go back to what he's been saying
- That he knew you liked them better than him
- And you push them away again...
- It's a unhealthy cycle


- Will treats you like a child
- You can't do anything for yourself
- At first it was cute
- Like 'awww my boyfriend is so sweet and caring!'
- Then it's 'oh. My boyfriend just thinks I'm completely incapable'
- You wanna go climb the lava wall? No! He's told you before it's dangerous!
- You wanna go on a walk? Take your weapon just in case. Yes he knows you're not going anyway dangerous! It's just in case!
- Gods help you if you get hurt after he warning you of something
- He'll lecture you for HOURS about how he was right and look where it landed you. If you just listened to him you wouldn't be hurt right now
- You know he just does it because he cares but seriously
- You're his age!

- Cant admit when he's wrong
- He's had to be mature since he was young
- So he almost always thinks he's right
- He's had to control a whole cabin and raise so many people
- He is one of the best doctors at camp
- He had kept people alive!
- So how do you know better than him!
- Did he say something wrong?
- You're probably imagining it!
- Don't be stupid he wouldn't do that
- At some point you kinda start to believe it


- he like many others has a lot of issues
- He's pretty traumatized
- He's not all that affectionate
-  But that's okay!
- You just want him to be comfortable!
- You love him so much so you're not gonna pressure him into doing anything
- However...
- After a while you noticed he treats you not different than he treats his friends
- No matter what
- At first you thought he was just embarrassed around people
- But he does it alone
- It all hit you when you tried to hold his hand and he swatted you
- He barley kisses you
- Not good with lovey dovey words
- Once you bring this up he's angry
- He thought you understood him
- That he had gone through a lot
- Why were you being so demanding?
- He's not comfortable!
- Gods you're so selfish


- He's got a shit ton of emotional baggage
- Which he's never really liked dumping onto people
- So that turns into bottling it up
- He won't tell you anything that he's been through (if you were there for it at least)
- So much to the point that he barely opens up at all
- So after a while of dating you realize
- You know nothing about him
- Is he allergic to anything? What's his favorite color? He wears black a lot but does he do that cause he looks good or cause he likes the color? Maybe both?
- What are his dreams? What's his favorite food???
- You know nothing
- He knows a lot about you though
- Life everything
- So he doesn't see the problem
- What's the matter?
- He knows everything about you and that's enough
- You should really learn your limit


- doesn't want to hear about your problems
- Specially things that happened in your past
- You had a nightmare about it? Well I guess you can come sleep over but don't be to loud
- You need someone to rant to cause it's bothering you? Well TJ is down the hall so...
- He just holds the opinion of "why are you complaining? It isn't that bad"
- Alex has been through a lot
- A lot lot
- We know this
- So unless what happened to you is equivalent or worse then what happened to her she won't care much
- Did you have a house over your head? Yeah? Well then why are you upset?
- Wanna know whats really upsetting? Getting kicked out of your house and being homeless!

- you legit can't tell if she actually likes you
- you know her flirting style is "be mean" but like...
- The only reason you know she likes you is she confessed
- But at this point you are actually starting to wonder if she hates you
- She'll insult the things you like if she thinks it's not that interesting
- She thinks that outfit is ugly?
- She says it
- Why are you so upset? You knew she was like this before you started dating so why are you crying?
- Did you think she would change while in a relationship?

- believes that everyone's problems are their own
- Which is partially true
- But I mean in a bad way
- You need to rant? Well not to Alex. Maybe TJ's door is open
- If you had it worse then her maybe she'll listen
- But she got through her shit alone so why can't you?
- Why is she burdened with your problems
- She doesn't bother you with hers!
- She won't even pretended to care tho
- She will say up front she doesn't care
- That your problems aren't that big a deal
- You're being dramatic
- You're acting childish

I hope I ripped your fucking hearths out <3

Probably not cause I suck at writing angst lol

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