Final Author's Note <3

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Well, Friend(s), if you're reading this, hopefully that means you've finished reading this tale :) 

Even more than that, I hope that you've enjoyed embarking on this fateful journey with me. 

I've been writing casually for quite a long time, but this marks the unexpected triumph of my actually FINISHING a literary project, and actually having the guts to share it with a wider audience than the people I live with! 

If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving votes and comments so that it becomes easier for others to find in future! And I always try to respond if people leave notes for me ;) 

It means a lot to me that there are others out there who find the love of Hades and Persephone as continually inspiring, romantic, and wonderful as I do, and I am honored that, for the time you may have spent in this little mythological world of mine, for that brief time we got to tread the same path and play witness to the same endless love story. 

Even if we never meet outside of this space, I feel that the connections we share through story are sacred, and perhaps just a little bit magical. 

So thank you, to whoever is reading this, for making the choice to peruse my offering in the first place. I appreciate it ever so much. 

It seems we have reached the end of this journey for now, so I thank you again for your interest and support of this endeavor of mine. May the path ahead be filled with love and light, and as always, when you remember, spare a thought for the world beneath your feet. 

Much Love <3 

             -- StarkAsphodels 

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