Author's Note: I'm Back!

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Happy December Friends! 

I am pleased and grateful to announce that I have survived the semester and am safely back at home with full intent to continue publishing this story. It is a nostalgic time of year for me, as last holiday break was when I wrote "Halves" on a single sporadic burst of inspiration. An anniversary of sorts, then, as it were. 

As the snow and cold set in, there is rejoicing in the depths below during this time of year, for once again are King and Queen locked in each other's warm embrace, to remain there until spring. As our world falls into slumber to prepare for the return of Persephone, the Underworld rings again with the sound of its rulers' laughter, where for the past six months there has been only longing silence. Elysium is brighter again and new flowers bloom on the plains of Asphodel. Once more love has triumphed in its annual struggle against heartache and loss. 

I hope everyone out there has a lot of good things that happened during this difficult year to look back on, and a little bit of relaxation time with loved ones. I am feeling especially sentimental this season (if you couldn't tell), and would just like to extend my sincere thanks to those who have followed my account and voted on this story so far. Your support means a lot to me, and I am certainly grateful for you :) 

I am hoping to try and get a new chapter up twice a week during break if I have the time, so hopefully that will work out! 

Much Love, Dear Readers! 

- StarkAsphodels <3

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