VI. Hades

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I cannot believe she has actually dared to call upon me. I had hoped I left her with only a good impression of me, but never had I assumed it would be she seeking conversation between us. 

I am intrigued, as well. One with Persephone's connection to living nature is seldom able to create that same bond with the stone of my realm, which is dead in comparison. Where has this new power come from?

What have you been doing today? she asks me wistfully.

Such a companionable and innocent question. There is a strange ache in my chest at being addressed like a longtime friend, even if we have only spoken twice before.

Nothing out of the ordinary, my Lady. I spent the entire morning judging mortal shades.

There is a slight shiver in the earth around me, like a great sad sigh from above.

That sounds important. And interesting.

I smirk. Important? I suppose it is, in the wider picture of things. As for interesting, try it for millennia, and we shall see if you still find it so stimulating.

Her next reply has lost some of its forlorn flavor, and the thought that I may have made her smile is wonderful. Are you telling me you wish to trade places with me for the next thousand years, my Lord?

Our conversation continues in this lighthearted manner for some time. It is both strange and pleasant to to someone, without the overhanging pressure and malice of politics. I feel like I could talk to her for eternity about absolutely nothing at all. For someone like me, who does not believe in wasting spoken words on even subjects of great weight, this is a peculiar occurrence, to say the least.

I am just about to regretfully cut our communication short in order to return to my duties when she asks me one more question. Why did you choose a garnet for my necklace?

"Because it seemed appropriate" is not a sufficient answer, so I rack my subconscious memory, trying to uncover why such a deep red suits her so well in my thoughts. A softer shade, probably of green or pink, would seem more obvious with her coloring. 

Then an answer appears to me. Does it not remind you of the pomegranate you shared with me when we met?

The fullness of the silence before her answer suggests she is pleased with this association. It does look like a pomegranate seed. I like that. Those are my favorite fruit, did you know?

I break into a full smile even though she cannot see me. I had surmised as much, by your comfort among the branches. Faded memories from thousands of years ago awake within my thoughts. They were my favorite as well, back when I walked the world above.

Curiosity sparkles behind her next words, like gems hidden deep in the earth. But no more, my Lord?

I simply had not tasted one in quite some time until that evening in the mortal world.

I would say they still hold the foremost place in my favor.

I am trying to find a polite way to say I really must go back to judging shades when she solves my dilemma for me.

The nymphs are waking up. I should probably stop talking to you for now. The forlorn tone is back again in force, and I feel a sharp stab of twinned sadness that we have to part. Will I speak to you again?

She wishes to continue contact? With me?

The lovely Persephone has only to call out, and Hades will answer her.

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