XXVII. Persephone

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It turns out that the Underworld is every bit as capable of having a good time as Olympus. 

Hades and I are far too energized to rest for the remainder of the night, and the other residents of the Land of the Dead are eager to see me, now that I share the ruling seat of their kingdom. Food and wine are brought out, and an unexpected feast is thrown in my honor. 

Despite the knowledge in the back of all of our minds that Mother's sorrow will soon cause a new influx of mortal shades, we all abandon our respective responsibilities for one night of celebration.

The food and drink of the Underworld are intoxicatingly rich and delicious, and I am selfishly satisfied that I need not abstain from partaking in it anymore. Which is not to say that I will overindulge in any of it. 

I want to remember this night for the rest of my immortal life.

Charon ends up being delightful conversation at the table, much to everyone's shock. It seems he has never spoken so much in a single day as he does to me over our meal. He has centuries' worth of entertaining stories to tell from his work, ranging from all of the famous mortals he has ferried across the river to attempted escapes that he and Kerberos had to foil. 

I believe he will turn out to be the closest thing to a father figure I have ever had.

Though I was at first uneasy around Hekate and her sharp-toothed smile, I soon warm up to her. She has an odd sense of humor that I enjoy, and I can tell that she cares very much for Hades, despite her constant sarcasm at his expense. She invites me to come visit her house during my stay, and assures me several times over that if I ever need anything, I can send for her. By the end of the meal, I feel we are well on our way to being friends.

Thanatos is a sweetheart, pure and simple. He is unfailingly polite, and once he is able to get a word in edgewise between Charon and Hekate, he takes the opportunity to tell me how much he loves the transformed Asphodel Meadows. I never thought someone whose business was death would love nature and beauty as much as he does, but then again, I did not expect him to have butterfly wings, either. 

I do not know what having a brother is like, but I would be very glad to call Thanatos so.

When the festivities eventually wind down, everyone else leaves, going back to their duties as the new day begins. Hades takes my hand and leads me to the throne room.

"I would usually begin judging shades about now, Persephone. You are free to join me and learn how the process works, or if you would rather sleep, I will let you go."

I shake my head. "I want to begin my role as Queen of the Underworld today. Do not worry about me. My life in the mortal world is fairly undemanding."

He smiles, and kisses my forehead. "Well then, my Love, come with me."

When I am once again seated in my obsidian throne, its glassy surface cool and smooth to my touch, he stands beside me. The doors to the throne room have not yet been opened, and I feel he has something he wishes to say first.

"I have a couple of things for you, to welcome you home and commemorate your first full day of rule." His eyes sparkle.

I laugh. "I thought the gifts might end, now that you do not need to court my favor anymore."

"Not a chance! Now that you are my wife, I have the excuse to spoil you all the more." Hades withdraws a delicate chain of gold from within the folds of his tunic. "Your necklace, as promised." 

He holds it up for me to see, and I cannot stifle a gasp of wonder.

It is beautiful. 

He has taken my garnet and made it the center of a golden flower, six slender petals impossibly graceful for being forged of metal.

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