XX. Hades

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I am admittedly concerned about the steady inundation of souls that I have been dealing with. 

The line never seems to end. 

Day in and day out, all I do anymore is direct them onward as more endlessly take their places. Normally I do not see this many for such an extended period of time unless Ares is on some rage-fueled spree.

But these souls are not casualties of war. They come young and old, man and woman, and the great majority of them will simply stay here in Asphodel. In times of war, there are always fearless or selfless heroes whose honorable deaths are rewarded in Elysium, or some depraved tyrant whose deceitful ways and disrespect of my brothers bring forth a decree for eternal punishment. 

No such cases accompany these shades.

They have a skittish, unrestful air to them as well, as if they were unprepared to die or shocked by some unexpected misfortune. Charon knows no more than I, and I have not heard from Hekate since her visit. I would ask Hermes, but he never stays to talk anymore, kept as busy rushing back and forth to guide the newly deceased as I am in judging them.

I feel guilty for not giving Persephone the attention she deserves, and I curse the timing of whatever great disaster is taking place aboveground right now. I wanted to spend more time with her now that she knows how I feel about her, not less. 

Perhaps if I dealt with shades all night, I would have some freedom tomorrow?

So preoccupied am I with mysteries and logistics that it takes me a long moment to notice Persephone is already waiting for me when I enter the dining hall. "Please accept my apologies, Persephone. I did not mean to keep you waiting, and... ."

I never finish my thought. 

She is stunning tonight, a vision that would turn Aphrodite green with envy if she were here. I have never seen her in red before, though she wears it as if she has done so her whole life. Not only is she breathtakingly lovely, but a new assertiveness and self-awareness radiates from her entire form, a halo of irresistible allure. Before, I could tell that she was realizing how formidable she is. 

Now I think she has finally noticed just how gorgeous she is.

And she LIKES it.

"Apology accepted," she laughs as she approaches me. "I know you have a lot of work to do. I appreciate that you still take a break for dinner with me."

"It is truthfully the highlight of my day." And the only thing keeping me sane.

Graceful arms find their way around my neck, and I cannot suppress a slight shiver at her boldness. Where has this come from? "And the highlight of mine. Hold me, just for a moment before we eat? I miss your arms around me."

I gladly enfold her in my embrace, and we simply stand there for a time, breathing slowly and absorbing each other's close presence. The storm of activity within my thoughts quiets. 

"I am sorry," I murmur into her hair.

"Why?" She sounds amused, not downcast.

"I've been unfair to you." I softly kiss her forehead.

She stretches up on her toes to place an answering kiss on my jaw. "You are not at fault. I have had a lot of time to think recently, which is a good thing. And I DO understand your responsibilities. No more apologies."

Pulling back slightly to gaze down at her, I notice for the first time that the cloak I gave her is nowhere in sight. "You forgot your cloak." My hands slide up her arms, to check if her skin feels cold to the touch, or at least that is what I tell myself. 

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