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Parked in front of my girlfriend's garage, I noticed a familiar car but decided to wave it off...

School's finally over and I planned on breaking up with Sam today. Though I wanted to take her out for the last time before dropping the bomb shell.

I stepped out and pressed the lock button. I looked around and also noticed so many fancy cars parked, then my girlfriend's Lamborghini that was given to her as a pre Christmas gift from her godfather.

Slipping my phone out of my phone, I dialed Sam's number. Twice, and she didn't pick up. I was at the verge of getting pissed but decided to just go in instead.

"Welcome", one of the maids greeted. "Sam's busy in her room, she doesn't want to be disturbed", she told me, stepping aside for me to walk in.

"That's okay, she's expecting me", I smiled walking pass her.

"Okay but I will have to ring her so she will known her other guest is here", she said going to the telephone on the table to call Sam.

"Other guest?" I questioned. "You mean someone's with her in her room?"

"Yes sir. I don't want to sound like a gossip but her boyfriend's with her. He always come around every once in a while. He's huge and cute",

"You already are a gossip but thanks for the info", I smirked at her making her giggle. "Are you flirting with me?" I raised an eyebrow

"I'm not too old to, am only 24 so I guess-",

I shook my head and walked out not hearing the last part of whatever she had to say. Her words kept ringing in my head as I made my way to Sam's room. Boyfriend?

I was lost in my own thoughts, forgetting to knock as I walked into Sam on top of some guy riding her life out.

I froze realizing the guy is no other person but Basti?

"The actual fuck!"

"Oh my-f*ck Austin, it's not what you think", Sam said getting off of Basti.

"Hey man", the idiot nonchalantly said wearing his pants. "We can talk about this like civiliz-" my fist connected with his face, breaking his nose.

"Sh*t", he cried out holding onto his already broken nose.

"That's not for me, but for Tim. How the fuck are you bi?" I angrily spat at him.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't even-he forced me to-do no, it's not what you think. I promise, it won't happen again",

"Samantha, stay out of this. I don't give a shit if you're fucking some random guy but Basti? Hell no, you crossed the line", I calmly told her facing Basti, "does he know you're bi?

"No", he shook his head.

"Austin, talk to me please", Sam pleaded holding on to my arm.

I shoved her aside, "you really want me to talk huh? Okay, I will talk".

"We had plans on having fun today right but I had my own plans. When I got here and saw that car, you know, your car", I said pointing to Basti. "I ignored it convincing myself that it might just be one of your dad's properties but getting inside and the maid told me you had a guest, your boyfriend, I simply brushed it off",

"And lost in my own thoughts, I walked in here and see my girlf-no let me rephrase that-i see you on top of him, riding like your life depended on it. Wow, it just makes what I want to do easier".

FRIENDS WITH BENEFITSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon