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"Silly", she hit my chest and we both giggled. That moment, I totally forgot about Sam. Totally forgot I had a girlfriend and my whole attention was on Mel as I watched her eat her dessert like a little girl.

Damn! I really missed her.....

"I miss you", she suddenly said lifting her face towards me. "I miss our friendship, how we go to school together and how I hit your head every mornings. I miss everything austin and I'm sorry for avoiding you",

"I miss you too Mel", I said to her playing with her hair. "Promise you won't ghost on me again and if we have any issue, you will talk it out with me", she stared straight into my eyes nodding her head.

"Use your words",

"Yes, I promise. Come here...", She opened her arms inviting me for a warm hug. We remained that way for a while as the tension between us grew. I slowly lifted her chin and instantly claimed her lips for the third time tonight.

Her soft moans drove me to the edge and I started playing with her breasts from her hoodie.

"Shit", I groaned in frustration because it was too deep to feel her blossom.

"Let's go downstairs, our parents might start to get suspicious you know", she said the moment we broke out of the kiss, leaning her forehead on my chest.

I really can't place my hand on what we were doing exactly but frankly, I didn't want it to stop.

We were talking and giggling as we went downstairs. I guess our voices were too loud as our parents who were talking in the living room turned their attention on us.

"They will really make a good couple", my mom says making Mel cheeks flush red instantly.

"Right, they will. They've known each other since elementary school and just look at them", Mel's dad added as they all stared at Mel and I intensively.

"Ok dad, stop it", Mel voiced. "We are only friends.... best friends", she added.

I felt hurt somehow but can't really blame her. I never had the courage to tell her how I feel plus I'm dating Sam. So it all make sense if she says we're only best friends.

That makes us friends with benefits I guess.

"That's right", I said, pulling her into a side hug which make her blush, hitting me slightly on the chest. Everyone in the room laughed including myself, but my reason for laughing was different.

She really looked so cute and my heart beat increased. My parents thanked the Wilsons as we headed towards the exit.

"See you at school tomorrow", I winked at Mel before closing the door behind me.


I was outside about to get into the car when to my surprise, I saw Mel running towards my direction. Her outfit fit her so perfectly well; a white leather short skirt and a white crop top with black boots.

"Wow, looking hot", I winked causing her to blush. "You don't look bad yourself", she told me.

"So you decided to ride with me today huh?" I raised my eyebrows at her. "I can just retrace my steps if you mind", she said turning around to leave when I stopped her and pulled her to my chest. "Don't you dare", I said pecking her soft lips.

She beamed with joy pulling me towards her by the neck and kissed me. "Let's go", she said walking to the passenger side.

The ride to school was fun as we both sang along with different songs playing from the radio. I soon got to school and parked at my usual spot. I was smiling at what Mel was telling me when my facial expression suddenly changed as Sam was coming to our direction.

I looked at Mel and saw she had stopped talking and her mood was changed too. "I'm sorry", I whispered to her and was sure she heard me clear because she nodded her head.

"Wow, you rode with Austin", Sam squealed and pulled Mel into a friendly hug which she responded to. "Am guessing you two have settled", she said pulling away.

"Yes, we talked it out", Mel responded.

"Hey babe", she came to me and pecked my lips which took me by surprise because she has never done this before. We've kissed once or twice I guess and never have I pecked her on the lips as a form of greeting or anything.

"Hey", I manage to reply.

The walk to the school building was awkwardly silent. "See you guys during break", Mel smiled waving us goodbye as she turned to the other corridor leading to her locker while myself and Sam went to our respective classes.

"Bye babe", she wanted to pick my lips again but I dodged it turning my cheek to her. I squeezed her hand and left to my class.

The entire three classes I couldn't pay attention as I thought of Mel the whole time. Damn! I'm becoming obsessed

The moment I heard the bell for lunch, I ran out of the lecture room and ran towards Mel locker. I got there but didn't see her so I decided to wait.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when she arrived at her locker. "Austin?" She looked surprised seeing me leaning on her locker. "What're you doing here?"

"Was thinking of you all day and couldn't wait to see you", I honestly told her caressing her arm, then moved to her cheeks and was lose in her blue eyes that I didn't know we were too close now and almost kissing when I heard Tim, Macy and Basti talking. I pulled away from her and was lucky they didn't see us about to kiss since they were coming from behind me.

"See who reconciled", Macy's face beamed with joy. "You don't know how worried I was that you both will be like that till we graduate", Tim said happily while Basti just smiled at us.

"So when did it happen?" Macy asked.

"Yesterday during dinner", Austin beat me to it because I was planning on lying.

"You had dinner together", someone asked. We all looked to the direction of where the voice came from and I saw Sam's disappointed face.

"You cancelled our date just to have dinner with Mel?" Her cracked voice asked again. She shook her head repeated before running away. I didn't know when my legs took off to follow her but I found myself running after her.

"Sam", I called but she didn't answer. She just kept running until we were both at the student Park area. "Please let me explain".

She stopped upon hearing what I said. She turned around to face me, "you want to explain? Explain what exactly? You cancelled on me and I just got to know you had dinner with Mel instead", she spat bitterly.

"It's not a big deal. It was just a family dinner, I didn't take Mel on a dinner date", I fired back getting sick of her argument and sag.

"Did you just say it's no big deal? You never got back to me after I hung up, no chats no apologies but I still kissed you when I saw you today. I let all of it sly but knowing you were with Mel, it hurts Austin",

"What exactly hurt? I'm your boyfriend not Mel's. You aren't sharing me plus you were happy when you got to know we were good. So why all this unnecessary nag", I got really irritated and I didn't know when I said all of it out.

She looked shocked and she stopped crying for a while. To my surprise, she cleaned her face with her hand, "you all mine?"she suddenly asked and I nodded.

She then ran to me and hugged me taking me off guard. "I'm sorry", she apologized sobbing into my shirt.

I tried calming her down until she stopped crying. I checked my wrist watch and saw it was twenty minutes to the end of lunch. "Let's go to the cafeteria, the rest must be waiting for us", I said and she nodded following me without saying a word.

All the time we walked to the cafeteria, I was thinking of Mel and how she was feeling now.

Sh*t...am too messed up and I'm dragging Mel and Sam into my mess. They really don't deserve any of this.


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