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This chapter is dedicated to Confydo and __theloml__ thanks guys for the flowing comments....❤️


"Congrats dad", I ran towards him and kissed him on the cheeks the moment his feet stepped into the house. "Mom has been singing the good news since she came back", I laughed at his confused look.

"Oooh, I see my wife couldn't keep shut for few hours", he laughed... "thank you princess. How was school today?" He kissed the top of my head making me giggle.

Sometimes, I can be a baby.... actually I'm daddy's girl even though I have two younger ones.

"It was ok. The term ends in two days plus my friends and I are planning on throwing a party you know, it's Christmas season an-"

"Princess, you not throwing a party here, period.", Dad told me making me grumble

"Mel, let your dad be. He just got back from work, let him rest before you start bugging him about this party stuff", mom scolded from the kitchen and I heard Austin laugh from the kitchen.

He soon appeared from the kitchen, greeting my father. "Son, how you doing?"

"All good. Please, don't give Mel a listening ear, she just wanna throw a party because she hasn't among the six of us" he confessed to my dad.

"That's not true dad", I defended myself.

I watched my father shake his head before heading to the kitchen to meet with his lovely wife.

"I hate you", I told Austin making him chuckle, snaking his hands around my waist. "I love you more", he kissed my neck and I felt the butterflies dance in my belly.

"You don't mean it silly", I elbowed him making him groan.

"That hurts, you know that",

"Whatever", I rolled my eyes laughing.

Dad soon came out of the kitchen and I followed him to his room. "Daddy, please just this one time and I will never ask again", I pleaded

"Princess, there isn't a rule that says every senior year student should throw a party at their houses", he said pulling off his shoes and socks.

"But dad,"

"No buts princess, it's final", I poured at his words. "Okay dad, will be down to help mom", I sadly said turning to the door.

"Okay, only on one condition", he finally surrendered making me jump. "Really dad, anything I promise. As long as I get to throw a party and I promise I will be a good girl and the party won't be a-"

"I know princess, I trust you. And my condition you get a 96% grade", he concluded.

"That's easy considering the fact my exams were good and I wrote well", I smiled kissing everywhere in his face. "Thank you thank you...I love you Dad", with that, I ran out jumping like I just won a lottery.

"Guessing he give in to your request", Austin sighed

"He's my dad and I'm his girl...so what do you expect?"

"You're just spoilt",

"I'm not. I'm simply his princess and not even Joan can take my place in his heart", I laughed heading back to the kitchen to help mom.


Dinner was ready and it came out beautiful. The whole table was full and mom invited two of dad's colleagues to celebrate with him.

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