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Ever since Sam and Mel became good friends, I totally gave up trying to talk to Mel. I really didn't know how to play my game right anymore. My feelings for Mel grew but I just had to play a role of a perfect boyfriend to Sam instead. Well, guess I have to finish what I started.

I planned on going on a proper date with Sam tonight when Dad broke the dinner news to me. I was happy and sad at the same time. I heaved a sigh and went into my room to get ready and at the same time, cancel my date with Sam.

"Hey babe", I heard her giggle over the phone. "Am about to take my bath to get ready", she squealed happily and I felt bad knowing fully well that the dinner date won't hold anymore.

"Sam, something came up so there's no date", I told her and she didn't speak for few seconds. I heard her sob, "I thought you promised that nothing will hinder tonight's date".

"I'm sorry Sam. It's family matter and I can't turn my parents down", I explained but she didn't take it well as she hung up on me.

I heaved a frustrated sigh raking my hair with my hands.

I finally got dressed and met with my parents and baby sister downstairs.

"Austin, can you please help me get the pack of chocolate on top of the fridge", she begged.

I stretched, collecting the chocolate and handed it to her. "I'm going to give it to Jordan and Joan. It's our favorite", she squealed. Mel was really close with the twins and I felt she had a little crush on Jordan.

"You're way too young to have a crush", I blankly told her making her blush.

We all settled in the car and in less than 3minutes, we were in front of the Wilson's house.

My mom handed me a basket filled with only God knows what and I carried it without complain.

When I got into the house, I saw Mel come out from the kitchen and she froze on the spot. I raised my hand up and waved saying "hi", but she didn't move, she remained frozen on the spot.

Seconds after, she managed to move and waved at me too saying, "hey".

Everyone exchanged pleasantries as mom gave Mrs Wilson the basket I was holding. Soon, they all settled on the table leaving two seats that were just beside each other in between Jordan and Mel.

She took the seat beside my sister while I took the only seat left out, which was beside Jordan.

I poured all my concentration on my food as i didn't feel like talking. Suddenly I heard Mel ask me a question. "I thought you were to take Sam out on a date", she whispered

"Yeah, that was before I learnt about the dinner and hour ago", I replied, my gaze not leaving the plate.

"Oooh. I see", she said trying to reach for the jar of juice on my side of the table. I decided to help her with it still not giving a glance at her.

"So how's your relationship with Sam", she tried bringing a conversation up which I was happy about but I just didn't like the whole topic, so I told her off completely.

"You're friends with Sam and very close. Why not ask her instead, by the way, I thought you were avoiding me. Are you suddenly tired of doing so",

I heard her hold her breathe for a while before drinking the content from her glass. She excused herself and within seconds, she was out of the room. I heard her running up the stairs and I knew she went to her room.

"What was that?" My mom asked, everyone's attention was on me. "Nothing, I guess i said something wrong", I said nonchalantly

"Mel isn't the type not to finish her food", her big sister said and I felt bad as I looked at her almost filled plate. I politely asked for a tray which Ally gave to me, I packed her food and some desserts into the tray and excused myself too.

In as much as I wasn't ready to talk to her, I just couldn't hurt her the way I did without apologizing. Well, she hurt me first by completely ignoring me for the past weeks now.

I knocked on her door softly waiting for her to respond, "come in", her soft voice said and I knew she has been crying.

I opened the door and closed it behind me but she didn't look up at me.

Few steps into the room, she looked up as she eyesd the tray I was holding. "I'm sorry", I said dropping the tray on her bed, before sitting down close to her.

She wiped her face with the back of her hand, "What are you doing here?" She firmly asked.

"I brought you food", I simply told her.

"Thanks, you can leave now", she said and was about to go back into her duvet when i held her hand stopping her. She wanted to speak when I put a finger under her chin to raise her face to meet mine before I placed my lips on hers.

Her lips tasted salty with the taste of the juice she took minutes ago. I guess the salty taste was from her tears but I didn't mind.

The kiss was gentle as I sucked on her lower lips for a while before pulling away.

She looked at me as tears filled her eyes, "why are you avoiding me?" I asked. I was tired of her avoiding me for so long. I managed to distract myself with Sam but I guess it wasn't working.

"I'm sorry", it was her turn to apologize. "I didn't know how to face you after that morning. I thought it was going to affect our friendship", she said, tears falling down her cheeks. I used my thumb to wipe the tears away as she closed her eyes.

"And you think avoiding me didn't affect our friendship", I said, holding her face close to mine. She only shook her head, her eyes still closed.

"And Sam, how did you too get close in a twinkle of an eye. It happened so fast",

"She approached me. And it just happened", she said opening her eyes. "Austin, I'm sorry for avoiding you. I wanted to come over at your place the day Sam approached me but after we spoke and we became friends, I couldn't do anything. I didn't have the courage to see you anymore. You're Sam's boyfriend and..." I couldn't bring myself to hear her complete her words as I clashed my lips on her soft lips.

The kiss was gentle for a while before it suddenly became harsh and rough like we've longed for this to happen.

I pulled her closer to me as I deepened the kiss while our hands romanced our bodies. I was about to bury my neck into her nevk when the knock on the door brought us back to reality.

We pulled away quickly as the door opened slightly, "mom said I should check on you both", Joan said coming in.

"Oooh, I'm good. Tell mommy we'll be down the moment am done with my food", Mel told her sister while I just sat there with a serious expression on my face.

She smiled and left, closing the door behind her. "That was a close one", I heaved a sigh that I didn't know I was holding.

Mel laughed at me, shaking her head. She collected the tray of food by the foot of her bed and started eating. She invited me and I soon joined her as we ate today.

I actually don't know what I'm doing but I was definitely enjoying sharing food with her. She looked so cute and adorable. When we were done with the meal, she didn't waste time as she pounched on the chocolate slice cake.

Well, I won't blame her. It's her favorite. I let her have the chocolate cake as I took the one apple from the tray.

"So, we good right?" I asked biting into the apple.

"Yes", she opened her mouth to speak, showing chocolate cake stains on her teeth.

I didn't say anything as I stole a quick kiss on her lips, tasting the chocolate cake.

"Silly", she hit my chest and we both giggled. That moment, I totally forgot about Sam. Totally forgot I had a girlfriend and my whole attention was on Mel as I watchrd her eat her dessert like a little girl.

Damn! I really missed her.....






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