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Like I promised, here's another update!!

Happy reading 😉


"I can't believe you actually skipped school today", she hissed banging into my room.

"You know there's something called knocking", I hissed back "who opened the door for you?" I asked suddenly thinking about how she got in.

"Austin of course."

Oh, right. He's not leaving until tomorrow evening. Great! Well, he checked up on me before leaving for school and immediately he got back but the fact he has no feelings for me just a love of a friend makes me sick.

"Okay. Why are you here by the way and what's that?" I said pointing at the big bag she was carrying.

"Last time I checked, I said I was coming to dress you, do your makeup and hair", she stopped at my bed side, dropping the bag to the ground.

"You look terrible. Have you even taken your bath?"

"No", I told her.

"Do me a favour",she looked at me, "get in there and take a cool shower before we do anything else", she said dragging me out of bed and pushing me towards the bathroom door.

"Hurry Mel, we have less than 3hours to be ready", she shouted the moment I was inside.

"Don't you think this is too much clothes for one night?" I asked as soon as I was out of the bathroom. I looked at her and back to the cloths scattered on my well arranged bed.

Damn! She's too messy a girl for my liking.

"No girl, we need to look exceptional. Moreover, it's not just for tonight but also Friday night's party",

I heaved a sigh. I sat down watching her as she started talking and ranting how she will do my makeup and hair.

Getting tired of all her talks, I left for the kitchen to get snacks and drinks. Just as I was about to leave the kitchen, Austin came inside.

I practically ignored him and walked towards the door to unlock it when he spoke, "are you avoiding me?

I turned around, "no", I said calmly.

He came closer to me, closer than I expected and pinned me to the door, "why do I feel so then", I was lost, lost in his closest.

I have never been this close to Austin before, never this close and I don't know what got into him to pin me against the door. I tried to push him away with my occupied hands but he was too big for me.

"Austin, you're too close. Too close that we're sharing the same air", I told him, but I could hear my voice shake as I spoke.

"Mel", he called ignoring me completely. His voice was now thick but his gaze never left my lips.

"Please, I beg you just take a few steps back",

The hell is wrong with him. Has he been drinking?

"Mel", he called again this time, his face was an inch away from mine and before I could answer, he pressed his lips against mine.

I wanted to push him away but I  failed as I kissed him back. Our lips danced together as he put all his attention on my lower lip. His lips tasted like coffee and I loved it. Never in this world would I think Austin, the Austin Parker will kiss me.

After what seemed like forever, he broke the kiss and looked into my eyes for a while before letting go of me.

"What just happened?" I asked not knowing what to do or how to feel.

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